Sanav's Mystery...

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Swara gives the food to Sanav. Sanav rolls up his sleeve to have food. Swara notices a severe injury on Sanav's right hand.

Swara: What is this? Why didn't you tell me, this is really bad.

She goes and gets the first aid box. She applies ointment on Sanav's hand.

Sanav: Um...Voh, I fell over on the playground at school.

Swara: Why haven't you told your Mumma about it?

Sanav: Sorry, I forgot.

Swara: You should take care of yourself.

Sanskar furiously comes to Kavita's room. Sanskar confronts Kavita.

Sanskar: I let you go off with this, here take money and go!

He hands some money


Sanskar gets shocked. Sanskar sits down in shock.

Sanskar: How is this possible?...

Kavita: Yes it is, Sanav is your son.

Sanskar: Don't lie.

Kavita: Why would I? Ok, you don't believe me right. I will show you something.

Kavita shows Sanskar pregnancy report and amniocentesis test report (a test done to see the father of the baby).

Sanskar takes it and reads it.

Sanskar: This is not possible...

Kavita: It is unfortunately, Sanav is your son.

Sanskar walks away. Kavita wipes her tears and smiles.

Swara is in her room. She walks one side to another. Sanskar comes in her room in anger. He sits down.

Swara: What happened? Why are you so tensed.

Sanskar: Sanav...Sanav is my son.

Swara: What!

Sanskar: Yes, but I don't remember anything, I don't remember spending a night with Kavita. I know we were in a relationship but we didn't get that close. I don't know what to do...

Swara sits next to him.

Swara: If you have no idea about that night then I think you should get DNA test done.

Sanskar: But Kavita showed me reports and its says I am the father. If I am then my son will never forgive me, that his father wasn't by his side in tough times.

Swara: Sanskar, I know it will be fine, we will arrange something, and I noticed some strange things, Sanav is probably getting abused, maybe bullied pr maybe something else we don't know.

Sanskar: Abused?

Swara: Yes, today he was crying, when I asked Kavita, she said that Sanav gets bullied for not having a father. Later that day I noticed an injury which was really painful. Sanav said he fell in the playground at school thats why he got hurt. But I think its something else.

Sanskar: Strange indeed, since you are close to Sanav you could check his stuff, bedroom etc.

Swara: Yeah, I could do that.

The doorbell rings. Servant opens the door and sees the family back. The family calls Swasan. They show presents they brought. Sujata sees Kavita and Sanav.

Sujata: What is this girl doing here, Sanku?

Sanskar: Kavita will be staying here for a few days.

Sujata: Kavita?

Sanskar: Yes...

Sujata: That witch, how dare she come here!

Sujata takes Kavita's hand to make her go away. Sanav comes and stops Sujata.

Sanskar: Mom, please, I know you could adjust.

Sujata: But Sanku, how can I? And who is that boy?

Sanskar: You will be fine, he is Sanav, Kavita's son.

Sujata: That cheapdi has a son

Sanskar: Yes, mom I have to show you something.

Sanskar takes Sujata away from there to avoid her from Kavita.

Swara: So how was the trip?

Annapurna: It was good!

Swara: Thats great.

Swara [Mind voice]: I think I have to check Sanav's stuff tomorrow.

At Night...

Swara is at sofa, where she sleeps as usual. She is not being able to sleep as she imagines the things she saw.

Swara [Thinking]: I am sure that something is fishy between Kavita and Sanav.

At Morning...

The family it breakfast. They try to avoid seeing Kavita and Sanav. Sujata makes faces. Kavita and Sanav go. Kavita goes somewhere while Sanav goes to school. Sanskar goes to office. The family leave the diningroom.

Swara [Thinking]: Kavita and Sanav went. This is the perfect time.

Swara goes to the guestroom. She searches for things.

Swara: This Kavita is more cunning than I thought she would be.

Swara finds a photo underneath the bed. The photo has a boy and a girl standing in front of a building.

Swara: This boy must be Sanav, I don't know the girl [She notices something on the building] Wait, it says "Sunshine Orphanage" on the building. What is Sanav's connection with the orphanage. I have to go there and check.

Precap: Swara goes to the orphanage. She asks the worker of the orphanage about Sanav.
Swara: Is there anyone named Sanav?
Lady: As far as I know, there is no one named Sanav.
Swara: Are you sure?
Lady: I can check...
She goes to the file room, she checks for Sanav's name.
Lady: No, there is no Sanav.
Swara: Wait, I have a photo of that person.
Swara shows the photo.
Lady: I know him, he used to live here...

Author's Note: Kavita and Sanav will be over in next part

Target: 100+
***Not updating until the target gets over😉😉***

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