"Is she alright?" Patch asks.

"I don't know what her problem is tonight." Tim says, shaking his head. "But, I hope she didn't spoil y'all's night."

"I had a blast." Kirstie smiles.

"Me too." Patch nods.

As they start their drive home, Patch and Kirstie laughed and chatted in the back seat about how much fun they had. The dances that they tried to do but failed.

"Are you feeling alright?" Tim asks quietly, glancing over at his wife who had not spoken since getting in the car.

She shoots him an angry look and then turns her attention back to the road.

Tim felt the anger rising. He had had enough of this d*mn silent treatment.

"WHAT THE F*CK IS YOUR PROBLEM TONIGHT!" Tim explodes with anger.

"The do-do is fixing to hit the fan." Kirstie whispers to Patch.

"YOU HAVE TO ASK?" Jenika yells back.

"Uh, Yeah. I do. Considering I have no D*MN IDEA WHAT I DID!!" Tim says, his voice raising at the end.

"YOU TEXTED HIM, DIDN'T YOU!!!" Jenika shouts with anger.

"WHO!!??" Tim asks giving her a confused look.


"Oh. My. God." Tim says shaking his head, trying to keep his attention on his driving. 

"Well? Did you??" Jenika asks as she glares at her husband.

"Well, Hell naw." Tim answers. "My God, Jenika. When are you going to drop this sh*t about Chance? You'd think by now that you would trust me."

"I do trust you. It's him I don't trust." Jenika says as she folds her arms.

"That's bullsh*t and you know it. You claimed I was looking at his ass, for God's sake." Tim growls. "I'm happy that Chance has found someone. Cause God knows I put the guy through hell. I dumped him like it was nothing. I fell in love with you. I'm making my life with you."

"Uh, Tim?" Kirstie speaks up.

Tim glances quickly back at Kirstie. She and Patch had been so quiet that he had forgotten they were there.

"I'm sorry, y'all." Tim sighs.

"No, uh, there was a cop car sitting back there." She points behind them.

"Oh, sh*t." Tim moans just as blues light turn on behind them.

"How fast were you going?" Jenika asks as she looks behind them. Her anger quickly cooling.

"I have no idea." Tim says as he pulls over to the side of the road.

"How much did you drink?" Kirstie whispers.

"I'm not drunk." Tim says.

Tim rolls down the window as the cop walks up to the car.

"May I see you licences and proof of insurance, please?" the officer asks.

"Here's my licences but this is a rental car." Tim says as Jenika hands him some papers from the glove box.

"Do you have any idea how fast you were going, Mr. Foust?" The officer says as he hands Tim back his licences.

"Uh, truthfully? No." Tim answers.

"You were doing 70 in a 55." The officer answers.

"Oh, sh*t." Tim moans.

"Have you been drinking, Mr. Foust?" The cop asks as he caught the smell of beer.

"I had a few beers at the Round-Up." Tim answers.

"You mind getting out of the car?" The officer says as he opens the door.

Tim reaches for his cane.

"Keep your hands so I can see them." The officer orders.

"I was just getting m ..." Tim started but was quickly interrupted.

"I said. Keep your hands so I can see them." The cop repeats as he steps back from the car, laying his hand on his pistol.

"Okay, no problem." Tim says, raising his hands quickly.

"But you don't understand." Jenika says.

"Now, get out of the car." The cop says, ignoring Jenika completely.

The cop's partner pulls a breath analyzer out of a pocket from the vest he was wearing.

"Have you ever used a breath analyzer, Mr. Foust?" The officer asked.

"No, can't say that I have." Tim answers.

"Just blow into this mouth piece, it will record the amount of alcohol intake." The cop replies.

Tim does as he is told. The officer looks at the display screen.

"Your blood alcohol is just over the allowed amount. I'm gonna have to take you in. Turn around and put your hands on the car." The cop says with a slight smirk on his face.

"Are you sh*ttin me?" Tim asks as the cop pats him down.

"Do I look like I'm sh*ttin you, Mr. Foust?" The policeman says as he begins to handcuff Tim's hands behind his back. He then leads Tim over and puts him into the back of the cop car.

"What are we supposed to do?" Patch asked with a frightened look.

"We're going to go get him out." Jenika says as she gets out of the car.

"Sorry, Mam." One of the cops says after overhearing Jenika. "You won't be able to get a bondsman until morning. Have you all been drinking?"

The officer sees Patch slightly shake his head.

"Then, Sir. You'll have to drive." The cop says.

"WHAT??" Kirstie shouts unexpectedly, her eyes widening as Patch's jaw drops.



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