Part 3

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Heya, Let me Tell a story of a Girl called Anny. No one has ever Heard this story before I've told this to you.

Let's start now

"Anny... Anny! Come down here!" A voice can be heard "Coming, Coming." A girl said

A girl with blonde hair Walks up to her door and opens it, Walking calmly Downstairs. She walks into her Kitchen and sees her mom "Anny Can you get some Spinach from the grocery store?" "Alright" Anny said, She thought it was strange her mom Wanted spinach, She's allergic To it even if Anny likes Spinach.

Anny walks to the grocery store, It was Unpleasently Empty except for some Sellers who greeted her with procession. "I want a batch of spinach please" Anny says as The seller then brings up a batch of spinach in fear. Anny caught the Sellers Worried face "What's with the scared face?" The guy then sighed "Everyone here is afraid to buy spinach now because it seems like anyone who buys it would die the next day in this town. The town reporter Had sent a warning for everyone to not have any spinach Anywhere. I've been trying to sell my last batch of spinach so I can throw it away but it seems like nobody wants it except you." The guy says as Anny gives him money and takes the Spinach. Anny wondered as Her mom had told her the electricity had died out for the last few days through out the town so there was no way anyone would be able to see that, Yet It seems like everyone knows about the news. Anny shooked it off anyways

As Anny walks into her house a muffled Scream can be heard. She looks around to the basement, The source of the sound. The basement was only a room about 4x5 Foot in diameter and can fit only a chair and maybe a person in it. She opened the basement door and inside... Was her tied up mom. She was crying. Anny ripped the tape on her mom's mouth "Mom! Are you okay?!" Anny asked as Her mom looked horrified "A-Anny behind-"

Then A scream followed

The house has been quite now and for years. Nobody has known where the family has been. Well

Except for now. C'mon now tell me

Whose The Killer?

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