Chapter 6

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The security in the institution wasn't up-to-par.  3/10 stars.

I slowly strolled through the halls.  At first, I tried to look professional, but then I realized that everyone else looked as tired as I felt.  I slouched my shoulders, slurred my speech, and wore an expression that said, "I'm having a bad day, don't talk to me."  To my surprise, everyone else had that same expression, even the guards.  I was grateful that they were miserable, it meant that they didn't care about confronting me.

The halls were gray, and bland.  The occasional painting showed great landscapes.  Every time I passed a painting, I added it to my bucket list of Places To Visit.  Other than the paintings (and occasional houseplant) the entire institution was quite boring.  I really hoped the agents had colorful personalities like on The Office, or this place would be super depressing.

I realized that I should probably be looking for something useful.

I took a closer look at the doors that lined the halls.  None seemed to be out of the ordinary.


Staff Room


Briefing Room

Eventually, all the words began to blend together, until I was certain I was walking in circles.  Then, I came across a new door, different than the others.  It sat alone at the end of a corridor.  Two guards sat on fold-out metal chairs.  These guards were unlike the one at the gate, however.  They wore black uniforms, and held automatic rifles at their sides.  Helmet visors covered their eyes, but I could tell they were watching me.  The door itself was composed of  a sleek metal.  A small card scan sat at the side of a door.

The guards had already seen me.  I fingered the card in my pocket.  A realization came to mind, I had to  do something, or else the guards would get suspicious of me.  Approaching the door, I pretended to look casual.  I prayed to whatever deity may have been above my head that this card would work.  If not, well, lets just say that my pumped up kicks wouldn't run fast enough

(Author Note: shout out to all who got that reference)

My hands shook, far too much for my liking.  One guard pulled his gun up onto his lap.  A clear warning sign.  Well, I was already halfway down the hall, so there was no turning back.  Literally.  I slowly pulled the card from my pocket, and slid it down the scanner.

Processing, That word taunted me.  One glance at the woman to my right revealed angry eyes under those dark visors.  I quickly turned my eyes from her gaze, fearful that one more moment of it would sign my death warrant.  

I held my breath.

The second guard flexed his legs, preparing to stand up.

Then, praise the lord above, the light turned green.  I tried the handle, and the large metal slab creaked open.  The sound itself was ugly, but I loved it so much.  The second guard relaxed next to me as I strolled through the door.  

A smile spread across my miserable face.

I'm in.

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