Chapter 4

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The plan seemed simple enough.  All I had to do was, ahem, "borrow" my new roommate's security card, sneak into the facility, and find out what's been going on.  In retrospect, my plan was very flawed.  But I realized that I only had that night to sneak in, so I had to get going.  I had to sneak in at night, when the least amount of people would be there.  And I couldn't go anytime after he's been there because people would recognize that I am not Alcott.  So, that left me with tonight.  Fun.

The alarm on his phone would have gone off at 2:00 A.M.  Luckily, I had hardly slept that night, so I was able to silence it before it made too much noise.  I sat up, and glanced over at Alcott.  His silhouette was outlined against the wall.  I watched silently as his chest rose and fell, until I was certain he was asleep.  Slower than a snail, I slithered out of my bed.  His suitcase lied on the floor, just about an inch from his head.  The moonlight through the window was the only thing I had to light my path.  I was afraid that anything brighter would wake him.  It must have taken ten minutes for me to slide the suitcase away from the sleeping soldier.  My footsteps were lighter than a mouse as I took the suitcase to another room.  As the door closed behind me, I thought, 'success!'

I rifled through the suitcase, searching for his identification card.  I knew what it looked like, since I had seen my mother's.  She had left it in random places countless times.  She was really messy, always leaving her things in the first place she could.  Never in the proper place, mind you, just the first place she could set them down before going to bed or watching TV. 

Finally, the card revealed itself from under a pair of underwear.  The young face of Lieutenant Samuel Alcott smiled at me.  He looked younger, and happier, and more energetic than he did now.  His hair was longer then, curly.  It almost looked like a mini-afro. 

Now, all I had to do was sneak into the government facility, not let anyone see that I wasn't the man on the card, and find out whatever secrets they've been keeping from the public.  As I dressed myself in a formal suit, I chuckled to myself in the mirror.

"Ha, I'm gonna die, aren't I?"

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