Chapter 2

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Okay, just to make it clear, I am a huge idiot.  I'm not normally the type of kid that rebels or breaks the rules, but I was still pretty ticked off after both moving and my mom keeping secrets, so I figured that one ride around town wouldn't hurt.  I hopped on my bike and started following Mom's car.

I made sure to stay a good distance from the car, in case they saw me.  Who knows what trouble I would be in if I were caught by not only my mom, but the U.S. government?  I stalked them for about a mile the car slowed in front of a gate.  I stopped a block away, halfway behind a fence, and spied on them with my super-stealthy-ninja moves.  My Mother offered a small object, most likely a security card, to the guard at the gate.  He looked at it, nodded, and then handed it back.  They pushed the gate open, which made a loud groaning sound of metal against metal.

I looked closely.  The entire fence was cheap, and hastily set up.  This entire base must have been set up days before we arrived here.  Very suspicious if you ask me.  My mother drove through the gate, and the guards closed it again.  One guard stopped, and glanced towards me.  I got so scared that I almost fell of my bike.  I realized that I should probably leave before I get caught, and pedaled of, butterflies still fluttering around in my stomach.

When I arrived home, I made my best effort to keep my dad from knowing I was away.  It worked.  I snuck into my room, and laid down on my bed.  Who knew that so much physical activity would be so... exhausting?  I made a mental note to never ride a bicycle again.  Then, I decided that I must know what is happening in that base, and how it is related to the world wide attacks.  I pulled out a pen and paper, and began formulating my master plan.

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