Sally tried to talk but nothing coherent was formed. Ao sighed and hugged her tighter.

Ben came back with a bucket of pink paint and a paintbrush in hand. "Alright, I've got this!"

Recklessly, Ben started smacking the paint slathered brush in everything, causing some droplets to fall on Ao. She glared at him as he ran in circles around them. Finally, he stopped to take a breather and admire his work. "How about that?"

"I don't think this is how to do it," Ao muttered, wiping paint off her glasses.

"Oh crap...!" Ben gasped. Both of them witnessed all the paint get absorbed into the gray, leaving absolutely no speckles of the cutesy color behind. Sally moaned their defeat for them.

"This is worse than we thought," Ao said. "We need Ms. P."

"Wait a minute," the elfin wraith began, "...where's Charlie?"

Right on cue, they heard a low growl resonate from the closet. Ao's blood ran cold. The both of them turned their heads and stared with wide eyes.

Finally, after not being able to form any words this entire time, Sally whispered hoarsely, "Run..."

Charlie came barreling out of the closet, snapping the doors off their hinges upon impact. Ao and Ben screamed in unison and had no choice but to leave the room, and Sally, behind. Behind them, Charlie's ferocious snarls and screeches bounced off the wall, shooting through them. Their plan to talk with Ms. P was quickly shut down by a fuckin' blue teddy bear, and their defeat was the moment Ao and Ben ran out of the mansion to escape a most certain death—or at least a tortuous experience.

Huffing and panting, shaken to their core, Ao and Ben crumpled to the ground in the front yard. Murmuring into the grass, the brunette said, "We have to deal with Charlie somehow..."

"Hell no. There's no dealing with that little shit. Christmas is straight fucked now," Ben wheezed, exasperated.

"We can't give up! There has to be a way..."

"He's probably pissed off because Sally is sick," the elfin wraith remarked.

"And the only way to help her is by getting close—."

"—but he won't let us."

"And the only way to stop his rage is by curing Sally—."

"—but he won't let us."

The both of them groaned simultaneously. This has suddenly proven much more difficult now.

Suddenly, the young Proxy perked up and grabbed Ben's shoulder. "Wait! Who's the only one who isn't afraid of Charlie?"

"Who ever said Roblox was a good idea?"

"No, it can't be 'no one', Ben...! There's someone who is and has never been afraid of him."

Ben tapped his jaw as he thought. Once the realization kicked in, his eyes brightened and his whole face lit up. "Ms. P...!"

"She's the key. We save Ms. P, we save Sally too."

"How will we do that? She's inside, where Charlie is waiting to grab a hold of us, tie us up, gag us, pour hot wax on us, smack us with a riding crop, make us crawl on our knees and call him 'Daddy' while he gradually increases the pain with every pleasured, feeble sound you make in his favor."

Ao stared at him, silent.

"...Oh, no, wait, that's not that bad. Haha. Sorry. I get my fears and sexual fantasies mixed up sometimes. They both instill a mix of primal adrenaline and the ever foreboding shadow of regret that will eventually sink into my psyche and permanently alter who I am as a person. Also, I cry a lot during—."

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