Chapter 11 - Awkward Dinner

Start from the beginning

But it only happened once, though, and it was such a long time ago that I can now barely remember it anymore.

"Whatever." Lucas left the room, some sort of annoying steps leaving and I giggled quietly to myself. We were always very flirtatious around each other, we've always been like that, and it's nothing I don't like. I love having him close, he gives me the exact amount of attention that I need. It's an everyday confidence boost. I think we all need someone like that in our lives and since we are that for each other, we never really needed anyone else.

Although, he does have guy friends too. I'm just really bad at keeping friends.

I finished getting ready, spending some extra time with blending my eyeshadow together. I had decided to go with a bit of a softer pink look with a touch of brown. To tie it all together I made a quite dramatic winged eyeliner, that obviously didn't come out even but I wasn't bothered enough to fix that, and a glossy natural lip. Basically just enhancing the features that I liked on my face.

It all came together pretty well and I smiled at myself in the mirror, seeing a confident woman staring back at me. After all, I was only going to be out with Alex and I didn't care about impressing on him since I'm still not interested but it's always nice to look good for a date. And as for right now, I was killing it.

"Wow," I heard Lucas mumble as I finally walked past him, heading for the door to make sure Alex wasn't already waiting. It was only five minutes left until time stroke eight and I was beginning to wonder when he would show up. Usually, I'm used to being early whenever I make appointments for something (unless traffick's on my ass) because I hate leaving people waiting, "You look good," I heard him call after me, "Like, really good."

"Thank you!" I called back, not bothering to give him my eye contact as I stared out the window, seeing a car just pulling up as I did so, "He's here," I shouted to make sure Lucas could hear me, "Have a great night!"

I didn't leave him a chance to reply before I shut the door behind me. When I had called him over, Lucas complained about the distance he had to go to show up at my doorstep within the time limit I was suggestion so therefore, I had promised him that he could stay the night whilst I was gone. At first, he had seemed hesitant but when I mentioned that he could take whatever he wanted out of my kitchen, he eagerly agreed.

Jokes on him, though, because what he doesn't know, is that the fridge was pretty much empty. I suck at food.

"Hey," I smiled, seeing a priceless face on Alex as he checked me up and down multiple times. Almost to the point where I felt disgusting, which is not how I intend to feel tonight so I quickly tried to save the situation for him, "How about a hello back?"

Alex cleared his throat and awkwardly scratched his neck with his left hand, "Sorry, I was just so shocked. You look... stunning."

"Thank you," I smiled but considering I was trying to be friends with him and nothing else, I tried to crack a joke, "Don't I always."

"You do," Alex was quicker than I was and the words had already emptied his mouth before I had any chance of interrupting him. I swallowed, knowing that tonight was going to take a lot of signals to get him to understand.

He suggested that we would take his car since apparently, the restaurant, was a bit further away which I had no problem in doing. I was about to open the door when I heard him clear his throat behind me and I realised what I was doing wrong. A little part of me got annoyed because let's be honest, I know how to open a car door myself but then the other part also knew that it's tradition and I shouldn't get bothered by it.

It took us about twenty minutes before he stopped the car and informed me that we were here. Looking out my window, I was met with a huge brick building that was covered in lights. It looked fancy, expensive. Knowing Alex and his family (damn it, now I'm thinking of Justin) I knew that they had a lot of money and from earlier experiences, I've also learnt that they don't mind wasting it. Or showing it off.

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