Chapter 1

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     I scream as Terrence kicks me in the stomach. Just the normal happening; Me walking to find a place to sing so I can make some money, Terrence seeing me and talking trash about me, me defending myself, him hurting me. 

"TAKE THIS YOU POOR ORPHANED BITCH", He yells as he kicks my ribs hard and I scream louder.

I cry as he keeps hurting me but eventually he leaves and spits on me as he goes. I whimper as I try and stand up. Maybe I should introduce myself, I am Gloria Rodriguez, and I have no idea what my ethnicity is, I just know I'm mixed. I blow some of my curly out of my face as I continue to limp to the closest set of stairs and I sit down. I put my plastic cup in front of me as I start singing "Burn" from Hamilton as I close my eyes. When I finished singing I heard a round of applause and I open my eyes.

"Welp, looks like you just lost your job Pippa", I hear an older male sounding voice say.

I hear laughter as well and I look up as I see a crowd and a group of adults in front of me. I blink and look at them closely. Oh my God- Its the cast of Hamilton!

"Well, I guess we didn't need to do a Ham4Ham!", Anthony jokes.

The crowd starts disappear but the cast stays in front of me.

"Hello, my names Renee Goldsberry, whats your name?", She kneels down in front me.

"My names Gloria Rodriguez."

"NIce to meet you Gloria, why are you out here? Where's your parents?" 

"I'm an orphan, I don't have parents."

"So you live on the streets?", I nod.

They all start looking concerned and sad. It doesn't really bother me though, I manage on my own.

"Hey kiddo", Daveed kneels down next to me, "Do you wanna stay with me for the night? It doesn't have to be forever if you don't want to, but at least for the night?"

I nod and he smiles at me widely. I smile back happily. He stands and extends his hand. I grab it and stand up. Then the pain kicks in and I yelp and fall into Daveed. He looks shocked and picks me up bridal style. 

"I-It hurts...", I whimper in pain.

"Lin! Call an ambulance!", Daveed says to Lin who nods.

"I-It hurts Daveed..."

"I know kid, just wait for little bit.", He says softly as the ambulance pulls up.

And then everything goes black.

Sorry for the sucky chapter. I'm so bad at writing stories. Anyways, love you my angels.

Adopted By Daveed DiggsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora