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For a few weeks everything was quiet. Brittany and Santana went back to avoiding each other, but the atmosphere had cleared considerably. Brittany wasn't as upset as before, now she was merely...

Quinn said the word was waiting.

And then something happened that made Brittany realize she didn't have to wait any longer.


It was a warm February day, and Brittany was merely sitting at a table, watching Mike and Tina play in the tree above her. Play was exactly the correct word to describe how those two interacted with each other. They were like two enamored puppies, yapping at each other and bouncing all around. Today they were squirrels, exploring the leafy world above her head.


She looked up at the rough voice and felt a seer of pain explode on her right cheek. She gave a breathy gasp, and it suddenly felt as if all the warmth and sound was taken out of the world. She looked up at Dani and got off her seat, grinding her teeth together.

"What do you want?"

"Honestly, just to see you gone! You messed Santana up!" Dani yelled, prodding Brittany in the chest, aiming to hurt her. Brittany clenched and unclenched her fists, taking a step forward and bringing her face closer to Dani's.

"Listen here," she spat, "I don't know what you're talking about, but I never did anything to Santana. I love her!"

"You do, do you? Well, do you love her enough to actually lay a hand on me for once? You're a wimp, a baby, and you hide behind your power!" Dani chastised her, grabbing Brittany's shirt collar and twisting her around, slamming her against the nearest tree. "So fight back, coward!"

"Let go of me!" Brittany writhed. Dani's grin became wild, her eyes wide and her hair teeth bared. She looked like an even more demented Cheshire cat.

"Come at me!" she yelled at her, slapping her. Brittany whimpered and Dani gave a sharp bark-like laugh before pulling her away from the tree and pushing her to the ground.

Dani's hand suddenly became smaller but wider, heavier, and then altogether resembled a panther paw. She lowered her hand to Brittany's face, and she closed her eyes, waiting for the scratch that would gouge her eyes out.

It never came. What did, however, was a roar of rage.

She opened her eyes and stared as Santana beat Dani in her face repeatedly, clawing at her eyes and neck with human hands. Dani pushed her off, donkey kicking her in the stomach. Santana gave a loud 'oof' before falling onto her back, cringing in pain. She crawled back onto her knees and stared at Dani, her body transforming slickly into a black panther.

Dani ran at her, head butting her forcefully into a tree and letting the feline give out a yelp. Nobody did anything to help, they all just stared at the spectacle unfolding before them.

Dani was soon a tiger, grinding her teeth into Santana's neck. The panther was slowly losing her fight, losing blood and becoming weak. The tiger swiped at her chest, leaving three angry red slashes, and the panther fell to the grass, completely drained of energy.

The air shimmered and Santana replaced the big cat, clutching at her chest with one arm, and grasping her neck with another. The screams she was giving were pure agony, and Brittany doubted she would be conscious in the next few minutes.

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