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"I found out why your eyes turn grey."


"It means that your brain is burying a memory."


"A memory. Like a memory you'll remember forever. And one you'll never forget. Even if you get that one disease where you forget everything."


"Yeah." Then Finn handed her a book.

"Excuse me, Finn, but I don't understand any of this..." Rachel murmured uncertainly, staring at the paper he had shoved under her nose. He was alone today, a small paper bag with sheets of formal-looking documents inside and a pair of car keys dangling in his pocket.

"Oh, right, I forgot you don't know Latin. It basically states that you're under our care now, that you'll be sleeping in the dormitories every week and have the liberty to return to your parents' house every weekend and in the holidays if you wish, and that once you graduate you are no longer a responsibility of the school," he shrugged, all this seemingly perfectly normal to him. "It's the basics of the school. Any questions you have will be answered later, I promise."

Rachel nodded and signed the bottom of the paper as he had previously instructed and gave it back to him. He grinned and put it back into the paper bag.

"Why isn't Puck with you?" She had asked, wanting to see him again.

"He, uh...got into some unnecessary trouble this morning..."

"What like, with the police?" She frowned.

Finn shook his head and a sad smile littered his face. "Nah, nothing like that. Don't worry, you'll understand everything later."

The exchange had been at six that morning, and now it was seven, a Saturday, and she was in Finn's bright red Volvo driving towards her new school.

"So if the school is so near how did it take you so long to find me?" she enquired, munching on the apple she had packed into her bag.

"Well, when we first found out about you, we didn't get enough information. All we found out was that you were in Ohio. So Puck and I were given the task of looking for you and for a year we were just kind of travelling all over the place, asking around, trying to find people with a power, any power! We got desperate! Eventually we got contacted and given one more piece of information: your name. We looked you up on Facebook and last week we drove away from Mansfield and ended up here. We asked around and - tada! - here we are!"

Rachel nodded in understanding, things starting to make a little bit more sense now. "So this power I have, you called it an angel, what does that mean exactly? I know what an angel is, but is it a good or bad thing?" she still could not believe it.

He looked over at her and gave her a dopey grin. "Like I said, everything will be explained at the school. So for now, let me do all the talking. I'll tell you about St. Clementine's."

And for once, Rachel was forced to remain silent as she listened to someone else ramble on.

"So St. Clementine's is run by the Big Seven: Headmistress Sylvester, Miss Pillsbury, Miss Beiste, Madame Corcoran, Lieutenant Schuester, Professor Ryan and Doctor Holliday. They've all got powers too, and they founded the school. They think that the only way to teach us to really use our powers and to control them is to expose us to an environment where it's perfectly normal to use the powers. The program at the school has a ninety percent success rate. It's really effective and most of the students who graduate never cause trouble for people without powers!"

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