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Rachel was sitting under a tree behind the school, trying to find peace in all this drama. "Why would you do it, Rachel?" A voice sounded behind her, she turned and saw Puck. She got up to just touch him when he shook his head. She backed away from him, embarrassed that he didn't want her touching him. "I didn't mean to. I was just curious," she replied sadly. She really had no intention of breaking up their group dynamic, or even Santana and Brittany for that matter.

"Curiosity killed the cat, you know." Puck said maliciously. He finally looked up at her and his eyes were a full black. Rachel could sense the evilness radiating off of him.

"Remember your second day here? When we were in Group? Mr. Schue called you stupid. I never knew how right he was." He laughed.

Rachel frowned, "Puck, you don't mean that." Rachel looked away with tears in her eyes.

"I do mean it Rachel." Puck said exasperated. Rachel walked up to him and took hold of his cold hands. "I love you," she smiled sadly, hoping he would say the sane words back to her.

"Do you expect me to say it back? I don't love you. I don't even love myself." He said as wind started forming around the two.

"But you atleast have feelings for me."

"No, I don't. I never did, I just used you."

"I know you love me!" She screamed, tears started to fall down her face.

"NO, I DONT!" He roared and his eyes were wide, his nostrils flared, his teeth bared. The clouds turned a dark gray and wind started blowing.

"I love you! Just say you love me back, please?" Rachel screamed over the wind.

He laughed an evil laugh. Then his hand flew towards her and she felt a horrible feeling cross over her heart and her body and she stumbled backwards and cried in pain. He didn't even bother to help her, his black wings sprouted from his back and he flew off into the evening sky. The winds had calmed down a little, the sun was returning. But Rachel felt a sad feeling wash over her as everything went black.


Rachel awoke in the nurses office. All her friends were crowding around her. She looked around, trying to spot Noah, there was no sign of him.

"Her eyes are grey," someone whispered.

"Do you think she hears us?"

"Can she even see us?"

"How's she feeling?"

"Her lips are blue."

"Give her space, people." Rachel heard Holly's soft voice filter though. "Rachel? Honey, can you hear me?" Rachel didn't move a muscle, it felt like her whole body was paralyzed.

"You've been asleep for a couple days. Are you okay? What happened?" Rachel stared at her, still not moving. There were murmurs coming from the students that claimed to be Rachels friends. Rachel just stared at everyone, emotionless. She wanted to say something, anything. But a sad feeling washed over her again. It was a feeling she couldn't quite put her hand on. Maybe she had gone into a deep depression and she would only need one person to lull her out of it. Maybe that person was the boy who stole her heart without trying but didn't even love her.

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