7: mEmEs

357 7 0

CutieChenle has joined the chat
FetusJisung has joined the chat
OhNaNaJaemin has joined the chat

OhNaNaJaemin: hi kiddoss

FetusJisung: hi hyungg


OhNaNaJaemin: ngl chenle I love your memes

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OhNaNaJaemin: ngl chenle I love your memes

CutieChenle: lmao thankS

FetusJisung: is that JB from GOT7?

CutieChenle is typing...
OhNaNaJaemin is typing...
OhNaNaJaemin is deleting...

KoreanJB has joined the chat

KoreanJB: I have been awakened



OhNaNaJaemin: wait i swear you need a code to join the group chat??OhNaNaJaemin: howd u get in?

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OhNaNaJaemin: wait i swear you need a code to join the group chat??
OhNaNaJaemin: howd u get in?

KoreanJB: magic

FetusJisung: he must be fake tho

KoreanJB: im not fake
KoreanJB: im real

CutieChenle: pic or else we're gonna assume ur a 69 yr old man who looks up cute young Korean boys on google

KoreanJB: i don't think that's necessary

CutieChenle: sO you r a 69 yo pedo 😱😤🤔

KoreanJB: wtf no
KoreanJB: agh fine I'll send a pic

OhNaNaJaemin: you have to take a picture, not use one from your gallery so we know ur not lying

KoreanJB: k

FetusJisung: that annoys me

OhNaNaJaemin: what

FetusJisung: when someone replies with 'k'


FetusJisung: did you just

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FetusJisung: did you just

FetusJisung is typing...

KoreanJB: [took a photo using camera]

KoreanJB: [took a photo using camera]

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CutieChenle: HOLY COW

KoreanJB: im not that good looking stopp


FetusJisung: that's rude chenle

OhNaNaJaemin: 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

KoreanJB: wow I'm highly offended

CutieChenle: I was kidding

KoreanJB: did you justKoreanJB: im leaving KoreanJB: goodbye

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KoreanJB: did you just
KoreanJB: im leaving
KoreanJB: goodbye

KoreanJB has left the chat

OhNaNaJaemin: where'd u get all the memes?

CutieChenle: google lmao

FetusJisung: I met a famous person

OhNaNaJaemin: technically we didn't actually meet him but

CutieChenle: shut up let the kid have his moment

FetusJisung: 😱😱😱😱😁😁😁😁😄😄😀😃😄😁😆😃😊☺️😁😆😀😁😃😊😄😊😊😀🤣😂😁😃😃😆

OhNaNaJaemin: im gonna leave before he breaks my phone
OhNaNaJaemin: byee

OhNaNaJaemin has left the chat

CutieChenle: same

CutieChenle has left the chat

FetusJisung: 😁😃😊😆😄😀☺️🤘🏻👍🏼👊🏻✊🏻✌🏻🤞🏻🤘🏻💎❤️🖤💓💛💗💚💖💘💜💕❣️💕💝💟 WOOOO
FetusJisung: it wasn't gonna be that bad gosh

FetusJisung has left the chat

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 20, 2017 ⏰

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