5: wEt

387 10 0

JamJeno has joined the chat
MoominJun has joined the chat
OhNaNaJaemin has joined the chat

MoominJun: oh hey guys

JamJeno: hellooo

OhNaNaJaemin: hiiiii

JamJeno: wyu2?

OhNaNaJaemin: I'm bored

MoominJun: same lol

JamJeno: I think we all are lmao

MoominJun: so
MoominJun: what you guys wanna do?

OhNaNaJaemin: do something that doesn't include you
[Message not sent]
OhNaNaJaemin: wanna go somewhere with the rest?

JamJeno: Yh why not :3

MoominJun: oke I'll add the others bc I'm too lazy to actually ask them in person so

MoominJun has added Canadian Seagull to the chat
MoominJun has added CutieChenle to the chat
MoominJum has added FetusJisung to the chat
MoominJun has added RingDingDONGHYUK to the chat

CutieChenle: hElLo

RingDingDONGHYUK: why did you add me
RingDingDONGHYUK: oh wait nvm I read the messages

FetusJisung: but don't we need an adult to go with us just in case?

MoominJun: you do realise that half of us are 17 or 18

JamJeno: true

OhNaNaJaemin: so it's okay lol

RingDingDONGHYUK: as long as we aren't going to a club or anything like that we should be fine 😂

CutieChenle: aw


CutieChenle: wHaT dOnT eXpOsE mE

Canadian Seagull: *facepalm*

OhNaNaJaemin: ew why do you still do that

JamJeno: I don't use *
JamJeno: I use /
JamJeno: like /dances/

RingDingDONGHYUK: wat

MoominJun: wot

FetusJisung: wut

OhNaNaJaemin: wet

Canadian Seagull: woah what

FetusJisung: ?? I much confusion

MoominJun: omd

CutieChenle: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

JamJeno: do y'all wanna hang out?

RingDingDONGHYUK: no I'm tired bye

RingDingDONGHYUK has left the chat

OhNaNaJaemin: well that was extremely rude

CutieChenle: I wAnNa CoMe!!1!1!1!1!11!1

FetusJisung: yeh me too!

Canadian Seagull: I guess I'll go too :p

MoominJun: stop acting cool
MoominJun: we all know you want to come bc you have no other friends

CutieChenle: eXpOsEd!!1!1!1!1!1!

Canadian Seagull: screw you

MoominJun: oh you wish

FetusJisung: but he's not a screw??

JamJeno: uH
JamJeno: let's go Jisung

FetusJisung: what okay

JamJeno has left the chat
FetusJisung has left the chat

Canadian Seagull: aight imma get ready

CutieChenle: yup me too

MoominJun: same

OhNaNaJaemin: okay I'll go too

MoominJun has left the chat
CutieChenle has left the chat
OhNaNaJaemin has left the chat
Canadian Seagull has left the chat

RingDingDONGHYUK has joined the chat

RingDingDONGHYUK: lol jk I'm coming too

RingDingDONGHYUK has left the chat

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