Night Light

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Chapter 9

*Taylor's POV*

I popped out of the floor, the screams multiplying by what seemed to be a million. I couldn't believe that all these people were here to see me sing about my deepest darkest secrets for 3 hours on a Friday night. It was absolutely insane, but I loved every minute of it. There were signs everywhere, lights twinkling and glowing, girls crying in the front row. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I had no idea that it was cue to come in until I started singing unconsciously and began walking all around the stage, dancing with Caitlin and Amos as they played, and making over-exaggerated faces to the lyrics.

By the time the last lines of the song had played, I was standing dead center of the stage and the screams were deafening. I kind of just stood there, completely shocked that I had a sold out show on a Friday night with tons of people coming to listen to me sing my diary. It really was incredible to me.

"Well hello there!" I said into the mic, the screams multiplying. "Some of you have been to my concerts before, and to you I say long time no see! To the newbies, just so you know, my name is Taylor. And this are my best friends," I dramatically waved to my band behind me. "And tonight, you guys are going to meet another very important person in my life... But you'll just have to wait and see!" I teased, beginning the next song.

It was true; my fans had never really met Em. Hopefully they'd take well to her, but even if they didn't I really wouldn't mind. They may be my fans, but Emmalyn is my sister; the only one at that.

So, about an hour later as I was brought to the B Stage in the middle of the arena, I found Em sitting in the sound area with Indie, waving at me. First, I played a duet with me and Ed, a new one that we made for this new album. Then, it was Em's turn. As she was being led up the stairs, I began my speech.

"So guys," I sighed. "You're all like my best friends and I love you all so so much! But there is one very important person you all have never really met," I locked eyes with Em. "And this is the time when you get to meet her." I smiled, and she did too.

"Everyone, I'd like to introduce you to my little sister, Emmalyn Swift!" Screams erupted as the little blonde walked up the stairs, immediately running at me for a hug. I grabbed her in my arms and whispered to her, "There's going to be flashes. Don't be afraid, alright? I got you."

I them lifted her up onto the separate stool that a stadium helper brought up, one that was about the same size as mine but was light blue instead, Em's favorite color. She smiled at me, with her little grin.

"Say hi, Em!" I said into the mic, as Emmalyn lifted up a hand to wave. The other was locked in mine, tightly gripped. "Em's been my adopted sister since she was about 6 months old, which was 5 years ago, surprisingly. And so you all never knew it, but of course, I wrote a song for her to listen to to reminder her that I loved her so so much, even when I was touring the world and meeting you guys." More screams. "So, this is Never Grow Up," I smiled as I looked at Em. She grinned back, all her tiny little teeth showing.

As I sang the song, I remembered the night when I tucked Em into bed, turning her night light on and her little fingers wrapped right around me, just as they were only moments ago. That night gave me the inspiration for this song, and what her future had ahead, too. I can't believe I'm not going to be able to watch this beautiful girl grow up; not in the right way.

"Just never grow... up," I sang the final line, tears threatening to spill over in my eyes. Emmalyn was smiling bigger than ever, her blue eyes shining so bright with the spotlights and camera flashes.

I lifted her up and off the stool and set her on my hip to wave before leaving the stage with Indie. As she was waving, I kissed her on the top of the head and said, "I'll see you soon, Em." She nodded and hugged me tight before I set her back down onto the stage and leading her off the stairs. "I love you!" Em yelled as she was being walked off by Indie. I blew her a kiss as I smiled and walked back to my stool, the other now gone.

"I hope you all like her," I started speaking to the crowd again as I set up my guitar. "Because that little girl right there means the world and more to me, and I she loves you all so much too!"



I'm so so so sorry I haven't updated in forever guys! I'm crazy busy with finals and other stuff and I've just been so drained lately :( but that's no excuse for this especially cruddy chapter and I'm so sorry!

I love you all and I will be updating soon, PROMISE!

s t a y b e a u t i f u l,


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