Your Very First Day

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*Taylor's POV*

"She's not high-matinence, you know that Taylor!" my mom scolded me through the phone. I was so worried that Emmalyn wasn't going to like me or want to hang out with me. I mean I'm her big sister and I barely even know her! That's just one of the major cons of my job; I love it but hate it all at the same time.

"I know Mom, but what if she doesn't like me? What if she wants to go straight back to Hender-"

"Taylor she wants to know you. I don't think she's going to turn on you that quickly, sweetie. She's 5 years old for crying out loud, she's not a baby!" While she was speaking, I was trying to fix up the house and clean it even though it was nearly spotless. I was so nervous and Emmalyn, my dad, mom, and little brother Austin were still a two-hour drive away! If only there was something to pass the time... That's it! I'll bake!

My favorite thing to do was baking, I could bake all day long and not even notice. Since the leaves were just coming back and there were once again beautiful blossoms on the trees, creating a beautiful sight here in Nashville, I decided to make an apple pie for everyone, my phone now sitting on the counter on speakerphone as I began to gather ingredients.

"I know Mom but I can't help but have a doubt in my mind that she won't like me," I said, grabbing the sugar from the cupboard. "But you should hear her she's so excited! I don't think she could ever hate you; she loves you so much and can't wait to spend time with you."

"But-" I started. "No buts, Taylor! We're stopping to get some gas for the car, we'll call you when we get closer. Bye sweetie, I love you!"

"I love you too," I mumbled through the phone before hanging up. I sighed a ran a finger through my blonde locks as I continued making the pie. This was going to be a long first day.


*about half an hour later*

The shrill cry of the doorbell rang throughout the house right after I finished setting the pie on the table. As I ran to get the door, I quickly checked my appearance in the mirror and wiped some excess flour off my face. Eh. Somewhat presentable.

As I swung the door open, I instantly felt two small arms wrapping around my long legs in a hug. I laughed as I bent down to Emmalyn's height and gave her a tight hug. Sure, she was adopted. And she knew that. But this little girl meant the world and more to me.

"Hi Ems! You ready to have an awesome time with me while Mommy and Daddy and Austin ditch us for vacation?" She squealed and her head bobbed up and down excitedly, her blonde pigtails bouncing.

She was probably the most stylish 5 year old I've ever seen, wearing an adorable little purple sweater dress with patterned leggings and a pair of dark purple ballet flats I bought for her birthday. Her blonde hair was put into two high pigtails on the sides ,of her head, and naturally curled on the ends. Emmalyn was honestly beautiful and she put you into this trance the moment you met her, that instantly made you fall in love with her, amazing me. I picked her up and held her in my arms. My little Emmalyn. I remembered the very first time I held her, and the moment my mom told me and Austin that they were adopting a baby girl. I was absolutely ecstatic, and so was Austin.

"Hey Taylor!" my brother said, walking in. "Hey! How was the drive?" I asked, giving him a one-armed hug, Emmalyn in my other.

"Fine. Long and tiring, but not too bad." he said sarcastically, as they only lived about a half hour away.

"That's great," I said, setting Emmalyn back on the floor safely. "Au! Where's Mommy?" I laughed at Em's nickname she'd made for Austin. "They're just getting the bags, Ems, they'll be right back!" I instantly saw her face wash over with relief. She loved my mom and dad and Austin; they treated her like royalty and loved her with everything they had, and she loved them back. I just wish I could've been a part of that, but no. My career was too demanding.

I was snapped back into reality when my mother's comforting face appeared in the door way. "Hello there Miss Taylor, don't you look beautiful today," my mom said, the way she did when I was 3 on home videos. I laughed and smile, shaking my head. "Thanks Mom."

"Where's my superstar at?" My dad asked looking around the room, his hands over his eyes pretending to shield them from the sun. "Right here, Dad," I said smiling. I first hugged my mom then my dad, as we all sat down at the kitchen table to eat the pie I made.

"So what do you guys think of the pie?" I asked skeptically. "AWESOME!" Austin said sticking his fork in the air, his mouth full. My mom gave him a 'Seriously?!' look before saying, "Delicious honey, I'm going to have to steal this recipe from you!"

"Best pumpkin pie you've made yet, pumpkin," my dad snickered, laughing at his own joke. I simply smiled and rolled my eyes, looking down at Emmalyn sitting on my lap and playing with my hair. "Why don't you try a bite, Em? It's really good!" I said to her. She was so quiet, honestly the best little 5-year old ever.

"Ok!" she said, turning around on my lap so she could pick up her fork and grab a mouthful. I smiled at her, stroking her beautiful blonde hair, raking my fingers trough it. I'll have to braid it tomorrow when we go out to that photoshoot...

"So Taylor, what have you got planned for the next couple days?" my dad asked. He was always so interested in my career and I was so happy that he was.

"Not much. A couple photoshoots, an interview next week, same old stuff." Everyone was nearly finished with the pie, except Emmalyn of course. I stood up and slid Emmalyn off my lap and onto the chair so she could finish. Since she wasn't quite tall enough now, she shifted so she was sitting on her knees, her elbows just barely reaching the table. I laughed slightly at her independence and grabbed everyone's empty plates from the table. I placed them in the sink and then put the rest of the pie we hadn't eaten in some PlasticWrap for them to take home with them. I walked back into the dining room, setting the wrapped pie on the table in front of my mom. "Thank you sweetie," she said, smiling at me. I gave her a small smile and stood next to Austin. He poked me in the arm when I wasn't looking, so I poked him in the shoulder, and it went on and on. "Stop it please!" my mom reprimanded us, making us both sit up pin-straight. We still acted like 3 year-olds, even though we were both now 24 and 22.

Soon, it was 8 o'clock and Em's bedtime. She almost started drifting off in my arms, her head bobbing. After we all said our goodbyes, promising to call and talk whenever possible, the door closed as I waved my family off. It was such a relief to see them again, but now it was just me and Emmalyn and I couldn't wait to start getting to know her and her adorable personality better soon.

I lifted her to bed, in her new room that for the moment was plain white all over. We were definitely going to have to change that though.

As I laid her down in the bed, I turned on the little nightlight in the corner that she never slept without. That was one thing I knew about her. Since we got her, she has always had her nightlight, something she couldn't go one day without.

I made sure she was tucked in, giving her forehead a tiny kiss before whispering, "I love you so much, Em." I was walking out of the room when I heard a tiny voice whisper, "I love you too."

I turned back to see Emmalyn's eyes already closed, but walking back to my room, I felt as if I was on cloud nine. She'd never ever told me she loved me before. My heart was seriously fluttering like a butterfly in my chest as I returned to my room down the hall, smiling the whole way.

She loves me, she said she loves me.

Was all I could think about as I got ready for bed, slipping into some warm pajama pants and a tank top. As I snuggled into bed and Meredith cuddled in next to me, I couldn't help but feel all the excitement for these two weeks flood over me.

I drifted off to sleep peacefully that night, a grin plastered on my face.


soooo that's chapter one! im gonna try and have the chapter names be lyrics from Taylor's songs; for example this one is from Fifteen.

"Take a deep breath as you walk through the doors, it's the morning of your very first day."

so that's my idea yay ok im so excited about this story I literally have so many cool ideas ok ok see ya guys and thanks so much for reading ! :)

s t a y b e a u t i f u l


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