How It Gets Better Than This

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I was stunned.


Around the country.

With Emmalyn.

I would usually get excited for this kind of thing, but I was also scared for Em. She's not used to the buses, what if she's carsick? What if she wants to go home? We're going to be on for 6 months, so that means the whole entire time Em is with me plus more. So much for my peaceful vacation with my sister.

The rest of the band started cheering, throwing Em up in the air and celebrating, whereas I was just kinda sitting there stunned. What is going to happen?

Then, Caitlin stood me up and made me start dancing with her. And I realized, that I don't need to worry; I should be excited. I'm going on tour. We're going on tour!

I started dancing around with the rest of my band, smiling and laughing. I couldn't wait for tour. And while most of it was uncertain, I knew Emmalyn was going to be okay, and I'm pretty sure she'd love being the center of attention. Maybe I could even put her into the show somehow...


After we went to George's, the rest of the band and I and Emmalyn all went out to dinner at a burger shop down the street. As we ate, we talked about what should be included into the tour, even though I pretty much had everything all planned out months ahead of time in case they surprised us again. We just had to put everything into action, and add in the part with Emmalyn, which we all agreed would be an awesome idea.

Emmalyn nearly fell asleep at the restaurant, so we all decided to head over to my house to continue our show plans. Emmalyn refused to go anywhere without Amos, so he again sat in the passenger seat beside me as I drove.

"So, you excited for tour?" Amos asked, glancing over at me with a bright smile on his face. "Of course I am! But I also can't help but be a tiny bit worried," I said, not looking at him, instead staring at the windshield.


"Well, for Em. She's never been on buses for that long before, and what if she's carsick, or worse homesick? There would be no way to get out of tour without having to leave her, and I can't do that, you know I can't."

"Taylor," Amos laughed, "you need to stop worrying! Everything will be completely fine. Promise."

I sighed, again knowing he was right. I nodded and gave him a small smile, then turned up the radio louder, signaling the end of this conversation.

By the time that we arrived back at the house about a half hour later, Emmalyn was bouncing around the car like a lunatic. Okay, so we may have stopped to get some coffee on the way and Amos may have given her a sip... But it shouldn't make her nuts!

"BOO!" Emmalyn's playful screech cut me out of my thoughts again. She was covering Amos' eyes from behind him, and he was pretending to have no idea. I smiled and laughed at them then went back to picking up all the pillows that had fallen off the couch. I felt a soft ball of fur on my feet and looked down to see Meredith purring up against my leg. I picked her up and placed her in my arms, stroking her head.

"HONEY, I'M HOME!" Caitlin yelled as she burst through the front door. Amos and I laughed. This may as well be the whole band's second home; they are here all the time. "Oh, there you guys are! Didn't see you there!" she said, turning around to see us waiting for everyone in the living room. Emmalyn was still jumping around on the couches and jumping on Amos' back. "What did you do to her?" Caitlin asked, pointing to the blonde ball of energy running across the room.

"We may have given here a tiny sip of coffee! But I didn't think it would make her insane." Caitlin laughed at me and sat down on the couch beside me. "So, tour, huh? You excited?"

"Beyond excited. I can't wait to get everything figured out," I chirped, a smile clear on my face.

"It's almost done, really. All we need to do is figure out that part with Emmalyn and what cities. Simple stuff. Good thing you already figured everything out," Caitlin said. "Guess after 7 years you know how to plan a tour!"

I laughed, as we continued watching Amos now running around the room with Emmalyn in his hands. She had her hands held out like she was flying and laughing hysterically.

"Faster, faster!" she squealed. Amos did as commanded and ran faster. After one more round, he set her back on the couch. You could see she wasn't as hyped up as before now.

*ding dong*

"Why do they still ring the doorbell? They have their own key!" I said, walking to the door to open it for Grant and Paul.

"WE LOST IT OKAY?" I heard Grant scream through the door. I laughed at the two and gladly opened it up for them.

"Well I don't have any more extras since you guys lost the last 3 so.."

"Oh whatever! C'mon, we've got a tour to plan!"


Hours later, we finally had everything figured out. Now all we had to do was make sure each city had a venue open that day and we were good to go. I know, you'd think that agents and special people put together the shows. They used to do that, but I wouldn't let them touch my shows anymore. I wanted them to be from me.

Emmalyn was still barely awake, lying with her head on my lap as we watched Peter Pan, one of Em's favorites. Everyone was sleeping over again tonight, since it was pouring down rain outside and it was too dangerous to drive. They all had drawers full of clothes here, since they stayed over so often. Ed Sheeran, who toured with me on the Red Tour, even had his own room because he slept over that often. Not to mention Caitlin had her own closet.

As I was sitting there, watching Peter Pan with my little sister and best friends in the world I couldn't help but think;

I can't wait to go on this tour.



so i know that it's been nearly a month but i just finished a competition for music that i've been practicing for like forever for, and i finally have free time! yay!


(i'm now deciding to do little questiony things at the end of the chapters sooo)

QOTC: where is your favorite place in the world?

mine's Durango, Colorado/ Cape Cod, Massachusetts :P

comment yours and please keep reading a voting! love you!

s t a y b e a u t i f u l,


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