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y/n = your name
y/c = your country
f/a = favourite anime (if you don't like anime just add your favourite tv show)

"y/n, could you come in here please?" you hear your mother call. I sighed,
f/a was just getting interesting. I hopped off my bed and walked across my room to the door and made my way down the stairs into the kitchen. Once I entered the kitchen, I was greeted with the sight of my mother sitting down at the table. "Sit" she said, motioning to the empty chair that sat in front of her. "Is there something wrong?" I asked as I sat down. "No, I just wanted to know how prepared you are for Korea." Thats right, I would be moving to Korea in a couple of months. I got a job as a producer for a company called Pledis Entertainment, I would be working alongside one of the members of a group called Seventeen. His name was Lee Jihoon, if I remember correctly, and he also produces. I found time to listen to a couple of their songs and they are amazing. I'm so excited to be working with them. "I'm pretty prepared, I just have a couple more things to pack, most of my stuff for my apartment is over in Seoul already." "Good, I'm going to miss you when you leave", she said. "You know I'll try and come over for Christmas and we can video chat everyday", I reassured her. She nodded, "But it won't be the same, will it?" she said. "No, but I promise I'll be safe and I'll try and contact you everyday." "Alright, now, help me cook dinner", she said. "Of course," I answered.

[le time skip]

I heard the muffled beeping of my annoying alarm clock. I blearily opened my eyes and turned on my side, feeling around for the clock to shut it up. I found it and ended up flinging it across the room. Then, the realisation hit me. Today is the day I go to Korea. It was 4 am. I was supposed to wake up at 3 am. 'Shit shit shit' I repeated over in my head. I rushed to my wardrobe to grab some comfortable clothes to wear for the flight (picture at the top) and pulled my hair into a messy bun. My mom came in to help me do some last minute rush packing and zip up all the suitcases  (I had to sit on some to make it close). We bundled all my bags into the back of the car and we sat in, my mother driving. Halfway up the road, I yelled "FUCK". My mother was so surprised at my outburst she nearly crashed the car. She yelled back "WHAT DID YOU FORGET THIS TIME". "MY PASSPORT". "FOR GODS SAKE Y/N".

After retrieving my passport we had to really hurry to the airport. My flight was at 7 am. It's currently 5:30 am. It's lucky that we lived close to the airport. We got to the airport at 6am and we sat down and waited for my flight to be called. My mother looked at me and said, "Be safe in Korea, and I hope you find a nice Korean boy to settle down with and give me grandchildren." "MOM". "What, you will." I hid my face in my hands. Why must she be like this. All of a sudden we heard my flight being called. We both looked at each other and stood up. I turned to her and hugged her. "I promise I'll be back as soon as possible, I will be safe, I promise." "Okay y/n, make sure to bring back a beautiful boy when you fly back!!!" "bYE." "Okay, have fun in Korea!!" "I will, don't worry about me, I'll call you once I land." "You better, young lady." "Bye mom." "Bye y/n." And so, I walked towards the gate.

Goodbye y/c, Hello Korea.

A/N ~ soooo yeah I promise I'll get into the plot soon and I'll introduce the members and stuff later sorry for the boring chapter okaY BYE

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