Chapter 5

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I awoke in Joshua's bed, he must have brought me down when I fell asleep on his chest during our karaoke session last night. I rolled over onto my side and I was met with Joshua's two beautiful eyes. "Morning", he croaked, his voice hoarse from lack of use because of sleep. "Good morning", I yawned. He reached a hand up to my face to move a strand of hair out of my face. "Merry Christmas", he said. "wAIT CHRISTMAS??!!!!!" I yelled, sitting up on the bed as fast as lightning. "Yes, Y/N, Christmas", he laughed, still lying down. "Now come back and let me cuddle you", Joshua whined. "NU UH JOSHUA ITS CHRISTMAS", I yelled, grabbing his arm and dragging him into a sitting position. He groaned but sat up anyway. "Alright alright I'm up", he laughed. "NOW LETS GO OPEN PRESENTS", I yelled, dragging him out of the bed. "MERRY CHRYSLER", I yelled once we got into the living room of the dorms. The rest of the guys were already sitting opening presents. "Hey Y/N, hey Joshua", Soonyoung greeted, "Thanks for the presents", he added. "No problem", I said. "Hey Y/N open my present", Joshua said. "Alright", I said, looking under the tree. Once I had located the present Joshua had left under the tree, I tore open the wrapping paper. Inside was a box. A medium sized box. I looked at him confused. "Open it", he said eagerly. I opened the box and gasped. Inside was a beautiful necklace (picture above). I looked at Joshua in surprise and he had the biggest smile on his face. "Oh my god Joshua, it's beautiful", I said, taking the necklace out of the box. "Let me put it on", he said, taking the necklace out of my hand. I moved my hair to the side and he put it around my neck. Once he had fastened the chain, I turned around to him. "Thank you so so much, Joshua, I love it", I said and I hugged him. "No problem, a beautiful necklace for a beautiful girl", he smiled and hugged me back. I laughed and shoved his shoulder playfully. "Wait is it still snowing?" I asked, looking around the room for a response. Seungcheol walked over to the window and said, "Yeah, it's still snowing", he said. "Then why don't we go outside?" I said. "I guess we could", Jun said. "Everyone get your warm clothes and coats and stuff!" I said. "Wait, I don't have any sweaters", I sighed. "I'll give you clothes jagi", Joshua said, wrapping his arm around my waist. "Thanks", I said, smiling up at him.

Once we were all dressed in our warm clothes, we headed outside to play in the snow. Seokmin and Seungkwan were already building a snowman and Jeonghan was making a snow angel. I reached down to the ground and scooped up a bit of snow and formed it into a ball. I looked around to locate a vulnerable target. Jun. He had his back turned. I threw the snowball hard and turned around quickly before he noticed it was me who threw it. When it hit him, he exclaimed "whO THREW THAT!!" I tried to stifle a laugh and I said, "Chan did it." "WHA- NO I DIDNT Y/N IT WA-" he couldn't finish his sentence because Jun threw a snowball and it landed in Chan's face. "OH ITS ON NOW WEN JUNHUI", Chan exclaimed, forming another snowball. "MINGHAO BE MY HUMAN SHIELD" Jun yelled, grabbing Minghao and pulling him in front to act as a shield. The snowball Chan just threw landed right in Minghao's face. "LEE CHAN I SWEAR TO GOD" Minghao shouted, forming another snowball. Minghao threw it while an oblivious Jihoon was walking in the direct line of fire. The snowball landed on Jihoon's shoulder. 'Oh dear god they're all gonna die and it's all my fault' I thought. Jihoon stopped in his tracks and gave Minghao a death stare as he bent down and formed a snowball. You could literally see the fear in Minghao's eyes. Jihoon flung the snowball and it landed on Vernon. Soon enough, all of Seventeen were in a major snowball fight and I was just on the sidelines dying with laughter because I caused the whole thing. I could see Joshua glancing over at me from time to time, probably trying to find the best time to ambush me. Next thing I know I feel a cold weight on top of my head. I yelped and whipped around to see Jeonghan and Soonyoung, just having dumped snow on my head. I could hear Joshua dying with laughter, saying something about my reaction. Soonyoung and Jeonghan bolted to the others when they saw the absolute rage on my face. "YOON JEONGHAN AND KWON SOONYOUNG GET BACK HERE" I yelled and ran after them. I caught Jeonghan and dumped snow down his jumper. He yelled and tried to get it out, yelling "COLDCOLDCOLD" over and over again. Soonyoung ran and hid behind Mingyu, because he was tall, when he saw what I did to Jeonghan. I spotted him after a while and ran towards him, snow in hand. After a while of running, I finally caught him and dumped snow on top of his head. He yelled and I felt something hit my back. I turned around and saw Joshua, laughing so hard that tears were streaming down his face. "Oh ho ho look at this, it's on now Joshua Hong", I said, glaring at him. "You're going down", he said. "Really? We'll see about that", I said, challenging him. I scooped up snow as quick as lightning and threw it at him. Hard. It landed right in the middle of his chest. He threw a snowball at me and it landed in my face. "Oof" I said, staggering backwards, surprised by the impact. "Oh my god Y/N are you alright?" Joshua laughed, running over to me. Even though he was laughing I could hear the concern in his voice. Once he got to where I was standing he started helping me wipe the snow off my face, both of us laughing now. Once it was all wiped off, he said, "There's that beautiful face" he said. I laughed and kissed his nose. "GET A ROOM YOU TWO" I heard Vernon yell at us. We laughed and looked over at them. As expected, they were fanboying over us. "It's getting really cold now, should we go inside for a while?" Seungcheol suggested. "Oh my god yes please I'm dying from the cold" Minghao said. "Let's make Christmas dinner once we get in" Jeonghan said. "Agreed" I said.

Once everyone had eaten their dinner, we got blankets and huddled up on the couches and watched a movie. I was sitting next to Joshua, leaning my head on his shoulder while he leaned his head on my head. Joshua laced his fingers with mine halfway through the movie and gave me a quick kiss on the head. Most of the members had fallen asleep, and those that hadn't were dozing off. "Did you like my present?" Joshua asked me. "Of course I did, why wouldn't I? It's absolutely beautiful" I said, looking at the necklace that hung around my neck. "Thanks again" I smiled at him. "Did you open my present?" I asked him. "Yes I did, thank you jagiya I loved it" he said, smiling sweetly at me. "Is jagiya going to be my new nickname now?" I laughed. "Yup" Joshua replied. I rolled my eyes. "You know you love it" he laughed. "God, what did I do to deserve you?" I said. "Ah jagi you're so cute I love it" Joshua said, wrapping his arms around my body and resting his head in the crook of my neck. "You're my new pillow now" he said. I laughed and wrapped my arms around him. "Y/N, it's probably too early for this, but, you're everything to me, and I hope you continue to stay by my side like you did for these few weeks. I knew I loved you the moment I laid eyes on you, you can ask any of the other members. I think Jeonghan has a video of my reaction when you agreed to go out with me for the first time. When I first met you, you looked so beautiful and perfect, the girl of my dreams. Even this morning when I saw you wake up next to me for the first time, you looked so pretty. That's a sight I want to see for the rest of my life. You work so so hard for us, and I couldn't be more grateful. You made my life brighter, and I'm sure you made the others lives brighter too. I'm so glad I offered to walk you home the day we first met. I'm so glad you came into my life. Thank you for putting up with all of us, too. Y/N, I love you, I love you so much." He finished his speech. My eyes began to water. "Y-Y/N, why are you crying? Don't cry, please" Joshua panicked. "I'm crying because of you, you big dork, they're happy tears" I laughed, drying my eyes with my sleeve. "What did I do to deserve this? Nothing. Yet, here you are, being so damn perfect and everything. I love you too, Joshua", I said. "I'm glad, but I doubt you love me as much as I love you" he laughed. "I doubt that" I laughed back. "I doubt that you doubt that" he said. "Joshua, that didn't even make sense" I laughed. "Oh" he said. "Oh well it doesn't matter because you loVE ME" he said, hugging me tightly. "Joshua....can't....breathe...." I said. "Oh sorry" he loosened his grip but didn't let go of me. I laid my head on his chest and listened to his steady heartbeat. "Thank you for everything" I said to him. "I should be the one thanking you" Joshua said, kissing my nose. "You already did, genius" I laughed. "Merry Christmas Y/N" "Merry Christmas Joshua"

A/N ~ yeah it's not as long as the other ones but it's like 12 am and I want sleep

Merry Chrysler everyone 😂😂😂

joshua hong x reader [COMPLETED] Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora