"War" Argent stated and Scott nodded his head.

"So what stops a war from happening?" Malia asked; her eyes glancing between the four of us.

"A peace summit." Argent answered as Scott nodded. "Right."

"We meet face-to-face with Gerard. Find out what he wants and then we stop all this before it gets any worse." Scott said and I rolled my eyes.

"Last time Gerard was at his so called peace with Deucalion, he blinded him and then killed everybody else, including his own men."

"I'll go." Argent interrupted. "I know he's not going to kill me."

"You sure about that?" Malia countered as Argent shook his head. "Not really."

"All we need to find out is what he wants. Then we can bargain." Argent said.

"Even if he does agree, his terms might be difficult to meet. I mean this is Gerard we are talking about." I stated. This guy was the one that split the body of a werewolf into two parts and was proud of it.

"Well, that's why is a negotiation. Argent pointed out. "I don't expect to get anything without giving something up."

"Then you're gonna have to figure out just how much you're willing to give and how far you're willing to go to stop a war from breaking out." I said as he nodded.

"How do you know she isn't just going to shoot us right as soon as she gets here?" I asked Lydia, pacing around the room and she rolled her eyes. "Even a new hunter wouldn't be that stupid." 

Scott had informed Lydia and I that the guidance consoler, Monroe, was the new hunter we were after. Since Gerard declined our peace summit, we'd have to take a step lower than the boss; his assistant. 

Monroe entered the room. "You wanted to see me?" She questioned as Lydia turned around and she gasped, looking between the two of us. 

"Sorry, I must be in the wrong place. Someone said Ms. Martin was looking for me." She said, about to turn around. 

"Oh, it's the right place, wrong Ms. Martin." Lydia flashed her a smile and Monroe chuckled. 

"I know who you both are, Lydia, Aubrey." She said, looking at the both of us. 

"So, what am I here to talk to you about?" Monroe questioned, crossing her arms over her chest defensively. "Coexistence." 

Lydia's answer made Monroe laugh. "Coexistence? For people like you and people like me. That's a bit of a challenge." She paused. "Especially, considering people like you aren't quite the same as people like me." 

I rolled my eyes, slightly laughing. "That's usually where coexistence breaks down. Two species that don't get along learn to live with each other." 

Lydia nodding agreeing. "When we highlight our differences." 

"What is it you guys really want?" She asked bluntly. "We want a peace summit," I replied. "We asked Gerard and he refused." 

Monroe shook her head. "Then you got your answer."  

"Which is why we are asking you to convince him to meet." She said and I nodded. "You could be the only one to stop this war from happening." 

"What if I don't want to?" Monroe countered, causing Lydia to roll her eyes. 

"You didn't become a guidance counselor to hunt people. You're supposed to help them." She pleaded and Monroe shook her head, turning around towards the door. 

Hiraeth //S.S.// ➸ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now