Beyond The Veil

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A/N *If you really want to listen to the song towards the end, be my guest but it'll get emotional.*

"Stiles, where are we going?" I muttered as he drove past the school. "Anywhere but that place, I can't focus on anything right now." He muttered.

After the fight was Scott yesterday, Stiles hadn't been acting the same. But who could blame him, neither was I.

You never realize how much someone means to you until their ripped out of your grasp and out of your life. Scott's heartache was still printed into my skin, like a tattoo.

Stiles didn't say a thing the entire morning, keeping a frown planted on his face. He was just as upset as I was, possibly even more.

"If we're going to skip school, can we at least do something interesting." I asked, shifting in my seat.

He chuckled. "Beacon Hills isn't interesting enough for you?" I laughed, shaking my head. "You know what I meant."

"Yea-" He was cut off my smoke flooding into the jeep. "Oh No." Stiles sighed as the jeep came to a stop.

I started to cough as more smoke came into the jeep. Opening the door, Stiles and I got out as the smoke went through the newly opened area.

I opened up the hood as Stiles came around the back, a tool box in hand. "This damn jeep." He muttered as he opened up the tool case.

There were four wrenches lined up in the box, the fifth one was missing. Stiles froze, staring at the spot. He took a deep breathe, closing the box, before he chuckled it out onto the side of the road.

The metals clanged against the pavement as Stiles slammed down the hood of his jeep. "Stiles." I mumbled as it opened the passenger door. He reached into the glove box, pulling out something from the inside.

He shut the door, reveling the object. It was the missing wrench. The same wrench Scott held out to us last night. He brought it back, glancing at it before turning around.

He chucked it forward. The windshield shattered as Stiles sighed, sliding down the side of his jeep. I but my lip, sitting next to him. This fight had been taking a huge toll on us, even Scott.

I sat down next to Stiles, resting my head on his shoulder. "Stiles, we're going to get through this, together." I smiled, grabbing his hand.

He glanced down at it, returning a small smile. "Thank you." He mumbled as I furrowed my eyebrows. "For what?"

"For always being there for me." I continued to smile. "I'd do anything for you?"

He smirked. "Hey, that's my line." I giggled as I sat up, brushing off my pants. "I wanna visit Hayden, do you want to come?" I asked Stiles as he shook his head.

"Nah, i'm gonna see if I can patch this up." He said, lightly hitting the jeep.

"Alright, text me if you need anything." I said, giving him a light kiss before running off towards the clinic.

I quietly opened the door to the clinic, passing by a sleeping Scott. As I entered the room, I instantly smelt grief. My mom was staring down at Hayden as she took short breathes.

"Is she gonna be okay?" I asked as mom snapped her head up. She sighed, glancing down at her. "Honestly, it's not looking too good."

I sighed, walking over to the side of the table. Hayden's face was pale as her eyes scrunched together for every breathe she took. She wouldn't survive a bite, as much as I wanted to give it to her.

Hiraeth //S.S.// ➸ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now