Chapter Twenty-Two

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Bookie: Ma-kun what are you doing there?

Reader-chan: Ah-h Flowers for you.

Bookie: Thanks Ma-kun. I really appreciate your effort but you don’t need to give me things like these, for I believe that a way to a woman’s heart is not by the material things that you gave her but for the feeling that made her like you despite and in spite of the fact that you’re not physically gifted.

Reader-chan: Huh?

Bookie: In short, the way to a woman’s heart is through your personality, not your treasury. By the way, thanks again.

Reader-chan: You’re welcome. Hey Bookie, what is the thing that you liked the most?

Bookie: Books! I like Books!!! >.< How about you?

Reader-chan: You—I mean Yogurt. >///< Is that so? (He said to change the topic) You know I have a library here. I think you will like it there. Do you want to go there?

Bookie: Wait your face is crimson red. Are you feeling cold? You should’ve said so earlier. Let’s go in, shall we?

“Airhead” Beast-chan muttered to himself.

So Beast-chan and Bookie went back in and as usual, Beast-chan escorted her. Bookie thought that this beast was ferocious but she then realized that looks can be really deceiving. As they approach the second floor, Bookie accidentally slipped because of her long dress. She waited for the bump or stumble that will happen but those things doesn’t happen because Beast-chan caught her.

Reader-chan: Are you alright, Bookie?

Bookie: Yeah I-I’m alright. >///<

Right now, Bookie can imagine her father saying to her: “Do not fall to a guy who possesses a sign that’s not compatible to you Nanodayo~~~”

Reader-chan: Are you sure? You looked like you’re spacing out. What’s the matter?

Bookie: Nothing’s wrong. Haha

She let out a sarcastic laugh and thanked Beast-chan. She thanked him by kissing his cheeks.

Reader-chan: W-What’s that f-for? >//////<

Bookie: It’s just my way of thanking you. That’s all >///<

They continued walking and there’s an awkward feeling everywhere. Then Bookie decided to break the silence.

Bookie: So Ma-kun, why is your castle so gloomy? Is this the normal scenario here? What is the secret behind the things inside your—

Reader-chan: It’s none of your concern!

Bookie: I was just wondering why but now you’re shouting at me? I thought you’re different from what my eyes told me, but now, I am proven wrong. Excuse me, Ma-kun. I shall go back to my room. You should cool your head.

Reader-chan: Then go there like I care! I hate you!

Bookie: I hate you more!

The two parted ways and the spectators are really disappointed. They just sighed and said: “Back to square one”.

Afternoon, 4 pm.

Mrs. Pot, Mr. Candlestick, and Mr. Clock decided to talk to Bookie and answer her questions. They reached the room and then they realized that the door was unlocked. They discovered a sobbing Bookie being comforted by Wardrobe.

Mrs. Pot: Bookie, what’s wrong? *She said, pretending that they don’t know what happened.*

Bookie: Well *sob* Ma-kun shouted at me *sob* For an instance I thought *sob* he’s good but when I tried to ask him questions *sob* he just said that it’s none of my business *sob*

Mr. Candlestick: My Lady, we’re very sorry for our master’s attitude. Now we, his staff, are ready to answer whatever questions you want us to answer.

Bookie: Okay. First, why is the castle gloomy? Is it the normal scenario here? And second, what’s with the moving things?

Mr. Clock: It’s not really gloomy here 10 years ago. This place always held parties and was always filled with people. We too are persons, but it all changed with our master’s mistake. You see there was an old lady that once knocked here and asked for help. But our master declined it. Then soon, the old lady transformed and became a fairy. Because of our master’s stubbornness and selfishness, the old lady cursed this household; all staffs, crew and the master. That’s why we are what we are today.

Bookie: I’m very sorry. I don’t know ;_;

Mrs. Pot: It’s alright, my lady. Don’t worry about it. That’s the reason why our master was sensitive in that topic.

Bookie: So how will we lift the curse?

Mr. Candlestick: That’ll be our problem. You are the only lady who have seen him but tried not to run away even though you already had the chance.  Well according to the fairy, if the magical Basketball ball’s leather was worn out totally, we will remain like this forever. But if our master can search for a Lady that will love him for who he is right now, the curse will be lifted and we’ll go back to our original forms.

Bookie: I’d like to help but falling inlove is difficult I should say. But I’ll try my best.

Mr. Clock: Thank you my lady. Now that we’ve answered your questions, may we request for you to go down to eat because it’s already supper time.

Bookie: No, I’m not hungry. But thanks for the effort.

Mrs. Pot: Are you sure, my Lady?

Bookie: Yes I am sure.

After Bookie’s response the three decided to say good night to the beautiful girl and went to their master’s room, only to discover a mess.

Reader-chan: Get out of here now! All of You!

Mr. Clock: Sir, you shouldn’t break things if you’re angry. You might frighten her more.

Reader-han: But I’ve shouted at her? How can I make up with her?

Mrs. Pot: Just walk to her room, knock and say sorry. That’s all, master.

Reader-chan: I’ll try.

After Beast-chan’s response, the three decided to part ways and ready themselves to sleep. Meanwhile, there’s an internal debate happening in Beast-chan. His heart says that he should say sorry, but his mind says that he should hold his manly pride. After several minutes of continuous thinking, he made up a decision and he is going to say sorry to the girl. He walked to her room then knocked. He’s patience was wearing off but he persistently waited for the girl to open the door. He decided to just wait at a corner in the hallways and soon drifted to sleep.

At 1 am, Bookie woke up then opened the door, only to discover a sleeping giant.

Bookie: Stubborn as ever-.-

Reader-chan:*speaking while sleeping* I’m sorry Bookie, I really am.

Bookie: That’s okay Ma-kun. I already have forgiven you don’t worry.

After that Bookie went to her room and get a blanket for Beast-chan. She placed it to Beast-chan’s shoulders and kissed him in his forehead and went back again to her room.

To be Continued……………………………………………………………………..

Sorry if it’s crappy T.T

Midorima: Author-ssi, how many times did you use old man to refer to me?

Author-ssi: Probably over ten times already .Did it make you feel bad? I’m Sorry T.T

Midorima: Of course it made me angry!

Akashi: Shintaro, know your place. Snip Snip Snip

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