Chapter 17

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"I want you to be honest with me Jin, what is S.3.O.K.J.1.N?" Namjoon asked as he did, Namjoon could feel Jin tense against his body.

"How do you know about that?" Jin questioned, his eyes were wide, his body was shaking slightly, his head was buried in Namjoon's chest, so he did not have to look up at him.

"I saw it burnt into your arm" Namjoon answered before adding "please Jinnie, tell me what it is? I promise to listen to everything you have to tell me without judging or interrupting until you finished". Jin slowly pulled away from Namjoon, taking his hand in his then pulled him towards the sofa. Jin kept his head bowed the whole time, he still refused to look at Namjoon, he did not want to see any of the expressions which would be present on Namjoon's face when he finally revealed to him who he is.

"As you could probably guess from the information you read, I am an assassin, I was trained to be one since the age of 7, my parents borrowed some money from the organisation but were unable to repay all of it back quick enough, one time when they went to give over the little money they had to them, they overheard them planning on training a child to become an assassin, my parents thought that if they gave me to them then they would clear their debt and they did" Jin started.

"My mission here was to take down Principal Moon, he had borrowed money from the organisation because they sometimes do some loans when they have too much money and have no use for it, anyway, he used the money to create the school, for about a year he was paying the money back consistently then he suddenly stopped. I was sent here to take him out but since he was aware of my existence I had to pretend to be a student, so I did not draw too much attention to myself" Jin explained. 

"Normally when I am on a mission that I have to be undercover, I am quite distant from others, so I could get the mission done quickly and move on but then, on this mission,  I met you and the others and for some strange reason I just could not continue with how I was before. I fell head over heels in love with you which was something I had never done before all my actions, when we were together was all real, you have to believe me, every time we hung out, our kisses, the date we went on even the sex we had, I was myself, I wanted to do it not because I had to blend in, I love you Kim Namjoon, I really do" Jin said.

"What the principal and I are planning on doing is so I can be free, to be with you, we are trying to take down the organisation with some help from the police, the first meeting is on Tuesday but the only problem is that the organisation has men inside the police force, so we had to be careful. I am doing all this for you Namjoon, I love you too much to lose you" Jin looked down at the sofa, he could feel his arms shaking at the thought of losing Namjoon. 

Namjoon lent forward and pressed a kiss to Jin's forehead after he finished explaining everything, it was a lot of information to take in at first but he slowly understands what Jin was talking about and why he kept it from him, well it was not something you could drop into a conversation. Namjoon noticed that Jin was still shaking, a small smile appeared on Namjoon's face as he scooped his boyfriend into his arms before placing him on his lap.

"I love you" Namjoon whispered into Jin's ear before cupping one side of Jin's face with his hand then lifted it up slightly so he could see his boyfriend's beautiful face. Fear was written in Jin's eyes as they stared somewhere else, Namjoon pressed another kiss to Jin's forehead which made him look at him, once Jin's eyes connected with Namjoon's, the younger boy leant forward and captured Jin's lips with his own.

"I forgive you Jinnie, you could not tell me something like that easily, I love you, I love you so much and I want to help you and Principal Moon to take this assassin organisation down" Namjoon said to his boyfriend when they pulled away from the kiss.

"You want to help, Namjoon no, I do not want to put you in harm's way, it would kill me if you got hurt" Jin protested.

"I will not get hurt baby, I just help with the planning, I do not think I would know the first thing about fighting with a gun" Namjoon replied.

"Okay but if there is any sign of danger, if the organisation comes after us or anything that could put you in harm's way, you are getting your ass out of there" Jin demanded.

"I promise, I will" Namjoon answered before kissing his boyfriend once more.

"I was with the principal before you rang, you could always come and look at the plans we have already made to see if there are any improvements" Jin suggested.

"Sure" Namjoon replied as Jin stood up. Namjoon grabbed his coat from his room then followed his boyfriend, they quickly put their shoes on before leaving the apartment.

Jin and Namjoon walked hand in hand into the warehouse, the principal was still bent over the plans.

"Namjoon knows, he is here to use that big brain of his to see if there is any way of improving our plans" Jin told the principal, who seemed to give Namjoon a look over before moving away from the plans so Namjoon would be able to see them.

"You are planning on bringing the Detective Lee back here to explain the situation and you are planning on leaving an envelope with a burner phone on the bench but there is a risk that someone will take it, I could be there so you have eyes on the detective, then I could give him the envelope making it seem like I just gave it" Namjoon said after having a look at the plans.

"Namjoon, I do not want you to get too involved in this" Jin whined.

"But he has a point, you need to be hidden so the organisation has no idea you are involved and I cannot risk being there but we need to make sure it is not taken" Principal Moon stated.

"Fine but that is all you are doing" Jin reluctantly agreed.

"I also think that you need to make a deal to protect Jin, you are planning to hand over the information which means that Jin would go to jail for what he did, you say for the information they must keep Jin being an assassin a secret" Namjoon said.

"I was thinking about something like that" the principal replied as he collected the plans before he added "I will see you on Tuesday then".

"Joonie, I don't mind going to prison for what I did" Jin told his boyfriend.

"Yeah well, I am not, I do not want to lose you at all, I love you too much to lose you" Namjoon answered.

"I love you too" Jin replied before pressing a kiss to his boyfriend's lips.

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