The Warning!

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The days were passing by quicker than Anushree could ever imagine, their half-yearly exams were nearing.

Soon, it was the season of fall, Anushree's second favorite season of the year after spring, sipping her tea, she watched lazily down, from the balcony of her apartment. The society her parents had chosen was way too good to believe, it was a decent one with people living in there, her two-bedroom apartment was no less lovely. Due to some strange reasons, she fell for the place the moment she stepped in, as if the apartment  made solely for her, too bad it wasn't theirs, her family had rented the apartment to live, the apartment originally belonged to one of her father's office colleague seas away, the man had been transferred there.

It had been months now, since she returned to the city and her old school. Everything appeared to be as smooth as a slice of cake, except for one person Mr. Aditya Kumar. Yes, the popular school playboy and Reha's rival was difficult to get though. Even though they had grown quiet familiar, she could still not make out what to take him as, a friend or a back-stabber. The boy would confuse her like no other and at the moment she herself was confused that why the hell was she thinking about him. Sighing, she decided to get back inside her home "Anu, just take care of the mess you have made on the bed will you?" her mother cried to her from the kitchen while the woman prepared dinner for the family. Anushree groaned before she made her way towards her room. It was a small yet lovely room, cozy and oddly smelled homely, surprisingly Anushree loved her room yet decided against decorating it with stupid disney stickers and all, she was not into such decorations. She hummed as she sat on her chair, before her study table, simultaneously putting down her cup, her head sluggishly turned towards the mess she had actually made on her bed, clothes scattered, fabric colors laying  with and without covers and yes, a plate with a half-eaten oreo biscuit, well she loved oreo, she simply loved it. Rolling her eyes, she decided to first clear up the mess, she could write. She had quite recently developed  interest in writing, it just came, out of the blue. Getting up,  she began to clear up the mess, when she was almost done, while folding up her shirt, her eyes caught it's colour, sunshine yellow. Somehow her mind drifted back to sun and as soon as the word 'sun' came, she could not prevent her mind from drifting towards the boy of whom she was unknowingly thinking of moments ago, Aditya. A chuckle involuntarily escaped her lips as the past events began to replay in her mind, the way he called himself 'sun' and 'important' and how she burst his little bubble within minutes, though it was intentional of her to make fun of him, she unexpectedly felt guilty for him and ever since that day, that small incident, she had made not a single attempt to make fun of him any way, some snarky comments were though exception that too when he would initiate something stupid. But somehow, her heart and mind contradicted, they stood against each other. Though her mind stuck with what Reha had told about him, her heart went towards a complete opposite picture of him. He seemed not to be as bad as Reha calls him, Perhaps she had misunderstood him? Or is he just playing? But is it possible to play so flawlessly, so adroitly? she kept trying to figure out the possibilities and before she knew it, it was already fifteen minutes almost, she was standing idle, doing nothing but thinking. Another call from her mother pushed her away from her wonderland and brought her back to the reality. Anushree huffed before she quickly folded her shirt and made her way out of her room. Why the hell does he matter to her anyway


Anushree made her way sluggishly towards her classroom, she was in no mood to wake up today and then head towards her school that appeared to lack any fun now to her. She was as her usual bored and monotone self until a familiar voice caught her attention, she looked around the class until her eyes landed on an angry Reha, she  appeared to be really mad, she was too busy arguing with Nitesh and Aditya, Anushree frowned in confusion before quickly making her way towards them "How dare you!" Reha yelled at them "Hey, what's going on?" asked a confused Anushree as she attempted to grab Reha's attention, all three of them looked at her in a very awkward manner "Now, we have this too." she heard Aditya say to himself, but instead of speaking up, she only sent him a glare before she diverted her attention back to her best friend "Tell me Reha." "Well, you see, they snatched our seat. And you know how much I hate to sit on the last bench. You don't like it either Anu." Reha finally spoke up, she looked calmer and this relieved Anushree somewhat "But......This is our seat." Anushree said to herself "Exactly!" Reha raised her voice again, glaring at the two boys standing in front of them, a bored expression masked Aditya's handsome face before his eyes  met those with Anushree's again "Listen up here girl..." his voice had a hint of aggression and that never settled well with  Anushree, but she let him continue anyway "Our class teacher has today itself given me the seating arrangement and unfortunately for all of us, our seats have been exchanged. We are not fond of sitting on the second bench either. So, just go to your assigned seats and take your so-called best friend with you too." he hissed, clearly Reha had been testing his patience, but that never gave him to call Reha Anushree's 'so-called best friend', Reha was her best friend, by heart and by mind, she trusted the girl blindly, she had never trusted anyone as much as  she trusted her. But before Anushree could even react, the assembly bell rang and thus, they had to leave the class, the two boys quickly made their way out of the class, Reha was about to yell at them again but Anushree prevented her from doing so, she gestured Reha to stay calm through her eyes, to which the girl nodded. Anushree silently put her bag on the desk currently occupied by Nitesh and Aditya, clearly, she wanted to deal with them.

After he assembly, as soon as Anushree and Reha were inside  the classroom, the argument started, it started all over again and this time, Reha seemed to be aggressive, far ,more aggressive than Anushree had ever seen her, either the girl had been always like that, or it was only because of the presence of a person Reha hated. Anushree felt the dire need of their class teacher's presence there, but as if luck had turned her face away from the poor girl, the teachers were busy in some important conference and so, till lunch, they were having free periods Good, they can fight all day then her mind began to ride on the wheel of sarcasm as she too, began to feel her patience shedding it's thickness. Anushree inhaled deeply before speaking, Reha was growing aggressive and she could feel the tension raising, almost all eyes were on them, the supposedly hottest boy of the school was definitely always a hot potato, especially among girls "Will you guys stop first...We-" she tried to take cool off the raising temperature among them "How can you say this..." "Oh please Reha, your friend doesn't know about any of your secrets, so just.." it was Aditya and Reha mainly, Nitesh too seemed to have similar intentions as Anushree but both of them were failing, the initial reason, the root of the argument had faded away, the argument had taken a whole new, nasty and unexpected course. Finding no other way, Anushree sighed before she stomped in between the two and pushed Reha behind her, she could see Aditya's eyes flare up, definitely he was being serious about his anger "Stop it all. What are you two doing? Creating an unnecessary scene." though she was supposed to chide both of them, her eyes never left those of Aditya, as if it was him alone at fault, despite her efforts, she failed to shift her attention away from him, he was really attractive, she would be lying if she would have denied. But falling for the known school playboy, the heartbreaker was a big no no for Anushree, in fact she couldn't even think of coming into any sought of relationship with any boy, love and relationships were distraction to her. To be honest she had doubt even in the existence of pure love, somewhat she believed that it was just the level of attraction that varied, due to intense and deep attraction and care, one might mistake those feelings, or to be precise name those feelings as 'love', that was what she believed. Shaking off those untimely thoughts, she regained her focus "What is your problem, list-" before Anushree could finish, Aditya had her arm in his grasp when he dragged her away from Nitesh and Reha " Hey, where are you taking her?" Reha was about to follow them but Nitesh prevented her from doing so "Don't worry, she's safer with me, at least I am a trustworthy friend." Aditya yelled before he took her at least ten steps away from Reha and Nitesh "What the hell is up with you?" a confused Anushree questioned as her words came through her gritted teeth before she yanked her arm away from his grasp "Listen.....You do not know anything about your so-called best friend, Reha, she cannot be trusted. Do not trust her blindly, like a fool. " he whispered into her ear, his eyes seemed to have softened a bit, but it was Anushree whose eyes flared up this time "I do not need anyone to advice me on whom to trust and whom to not. Why must I listen to you even at the first place? Reha and me have been best friends ever since I joined the school and you.... you just showed up out of the blue at the time when I was gone." she spat back at him as her eyes narrowed viciously, with those words, she headed back towards her best friend. All she knew that he was only playing, he wanted to create rift between her and Reha and there was no way that she was going to let him succeed. Her mind was clear of all sorts of confusions now. Now she knew whom to trust, whom to not, whom to believe and whom to not and definitely, Aditya Kumar could never be trusted.

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