Chapter 8- I will punch you

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After I put my big girl pants on and told my brother the truth about who I was texting. He was furious.

For about half a second.

"Why wouldn't you just tell me?" jake question, looking disappointed.

"I was scared." I admitted.

"Of what?"

"Of you beating him up, never letting me see him again, being mad at m-"

"Ava!" he cut me off, "I've hung out with the kid, we've talked, he's cool, but I can tell you right now... if he hurts you, he's dead."

Yeah, thank bro. Made me feel 10 times better.



The next morning I woke up at around 11 and hopped into the shower before getting dressed. I threw on a simple pair of jean shorts and a hoodie, since it was on the cooler side today.

I blow dried my hair to it's natural loose waves and put on a light amount of makeup.

I walked into the kitchen and apparently failed to notice Macy sitting at the table.

"Wanna go to a party tonight?"

I screeched and turned around, my hand over my pounding heart.

"How in gods name!.." I trailed off.

Which resulted in her laughing so hard she fell of her chair.

"Y-you should've seen your face!" she gasped.

"Well, duh! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I shouted back.

"Sorry babe!" she chuckled. "Sooo... party or nah?"

"You did not just say that.." I laughed as I facepalmed.

Next thing I know my brother and Trent come walking through the back door laughing as if they've been friends their whole lives.

"Did I hear party?!" Trent asked still slightly laughing.

"Yeah.." I trailed off, blushing as he walked up next to me and half-hugged my waist.

"Morning." He whispered, smirking.

"Want some breakfast?" My brother asked as he started pulling out things to cook.

"Yes!" Macy shouted. "Im so hungry. I'll help!" She ran to my brother leaving me confused.

What the heck?

"She did that for me.." Trent started. "Come outside with me real quick.. I have a question."

"Uh, yeah, sure." I smiled politely as I followed trent outside and to his truck.

For a secong I just stood there not sure of what to do.

"Coming?" He asked.

I nodded as I swiftly made my way around to the passenger seat and got in.

"Do you mind going for a ride, so we can talk?"

"No that's fine, is everything alright?" I replied, you could hear my voice shaking with nerves.

He sighed as he started up the truck, we drove for a good 5 minutes in silence until he finally spoke up.

"Listen Ava... remember that guy from the party last night that asked if you were single?" he asked. I could tell he was trying not to lose his temper.

"Yeah.. what about him?" I said slowly.

"He took pictures of you last night.." He whispered.

My heart fell straight to my stomach. I mean yeah, sure, the guy looked like a huge player, but he actually took pictures of me?!

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