Chapter 1

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Okay this is gonna be the first actually chapter. The last was just kinda the intro. Here we gooooo!

& just an FYI this story will most likely be Ava's pov


I was silent the whole way to the airport. I could tell Jake was worried but I was too shocked to say anything. Why would my mom write me a letter? and not jake? it's not like she could've known what was gonna happen that night.

Could she?

"We're here Ava."

I stayed silent, still thinking about the letter. I couldn't even function properly.


"Mom?" I asked confused, turning to jake.

"Huh? wha-no. Oh shit. Ava what's wrong?"

Mom called me Ave.

"Nothing. I-I was just thinking..." My voice was shaking. I sounded so unconvincing.

Pull it together Ava!

I opened my door and stepped out, walking to the back to get our luggage.

I could feel Jake eyeing me but I ignored it.

"Here..." Jake said cautiously rolling me the thingy you wheel your luggage on.

"Thanks.." I murmured in response.

We walked together into the airport and checked everything in.

"Flight 828 to Texas now boarding!"

"Wow that was quick" Jake said relieved.

I just stayed silent

"C'mon Ava what's wrong? you've been upset ever since we left Aunt Jane's. You can't be that upset about leaving can you? we've been planning this for 4 years Ava, I mean, if you wanna stay we can bu-"

"NO!" I shouted, getting weird looks from people.

What? never seen a girl yelling before?

"It- it's not that Jake. I just- I don't know. Aunt jane... she... she gave me something and I just don't know what to think of it." I was on the verge of a break down.

"Ava you can tell me anything! I mean, unless she gave you some ancient bones from deceased trolls filled with some type of magic power-"

"She gave me a letter...from mom jake..." I hesitantly cut him off.

I just stared at him, waiting for a response.



"She- she what?" he asked looking like he just seen a ghost.

"I'm sorry... I didn't know how to tell you. I was scared I-"

"Don't be." he cut me off, hugging me.

"Last call flight 828 to Texas is now boarding"

"Shit! let's go" he said pulling away from me and walking towards the plane.

We quickly found our seats on the plane. It was rather small, fitting only 2 people next to each other.

I sat down and grabbed my headphones out of my hoodie pocket, plugging them in and playing "little things" by one direction. Amazing song!

I was gently tapping my fingers against my leg when Jake interrupted me.

"So... this letter..." he asked nervously.

"Yeah..." I replies hastily.

"What does it say?" he asked, some-what anxiously.

"I-I don't know I didn't open it yet..."

"When will you?"

"I don't know... it guess when I feel like I need her most, y'know?"

"Why wouldn't she write me one?" he asked looking down at his lap. I could see the sadness in his eyes.

I felt bad for him, honestly, it probably hurt him a lot thinking that mom didn't write him anything to remember her by. It's not like he had a dad to grow up with. He was a huge momma's boy.

"Who knows? maybe it's inside with mine? y'know... maybe she thinks it'd be better if we opened them together?" I said. Hell, I didn't even sound convincing to myself.


"Jake, you're her first born, and ONLY son! I'm sure she has a little something for you in there" I said smiling warmly at him.

"Yeah, you're probably right. Mom always was one to trick people." he said smiling, most likely at the memories of mom playing harmless pranks on us as kids.

"I just miss her a lot Ava." he said sadly smiling down at me.

" So do I Jake, so do I..." I replied softly, yawning, and then drifting off to sleep.



IM SO FRICKEN EXCITED TO BE WRITING!!!!! I wanna have at least 5 reads before I continue! I know I said I wouldn't update till i had a few but I couldn't resist! hope you like!

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