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Being a janitor isn't all that bad. It gets a bad representation for no good reason. Or maybe that's how I feel about this job. Cleaning after people and seeing their faces content with the cleanliness of the cafeteria. I like seeing that in people's faces even though I wished I didn't have this job. On occasion, I'd get a small smile from total strangers or a wave from chubby little hands. Not to mention, I also have a good view of commotions between people.

Today was no exception. As I wipe away the fallen condiments from this metal table, I could hear a man shouting at someone. By the sounds of it, it was a rift between a couple. After a while, you can just know what the problem is. I wish I did not have such sensitive hearing for the things he said to her shouldn't have been heard.

I stop wiping the table and huff out a breath of annoyance. They expect me to put a stop the fighting, and I know myself well that I'll gladly do it. Turning my head slightly to prepare myself, I hear Hazel's voice snap. Nothing could prepare me to see her amid a couple's quarrel. Her sharp eyes stare daggers into his skull. His usually composed face red with anger.

I was frozen as I stared at them. It was verbal, for the most part. Looking around, I can see a circle forming closer to them. Snapping out of it, I calmly ask them to give them space. In my head, I can hear Hamlet repeatedly telling me not to step in. Stuffing the hand towel into my pocket, I muster up the courage to go up to them.

"Excuse me," I call out to the man, "I'm going to have to ask you to tone down your voice. There are children present." He turns around and huffs at me. I could see the mortified look in Hazel's eyes from the corner of my eyes.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" He menacingly asks me. He's slightly taller than me and way more buff. My knees shook with fear under his inspection.

"Leave him out of this, Liam!" Hazel snaps at him. He turns to look at her, and steam leaves his nostrils.

"No, he input himself into something that was perfectly fine." He says, glaring at me.

"I'm just trying to calm down this hostile atmosphere," I tell him.

"I didn't ask you to!" He shouts at me.

"Is your ego that shattered that you're picking a fight with him?" Hazel asks him, making him even angrier. "The problem you have is with me, so leave him alone." He comes close to her and roughly grabs her arm. Lifting her slightly by that arm, he whispers something in her ear that made her sharp eyes widen. Before I could blink, she slapped him across the face causing his head to snap the other direction. "Don't you ever disrespect me like that." She threatens as her eyes fill up with tears. He shoves her towards me and walks away.

Catching her in my arms, she glares at him as he walks away. "Come, let's go," I softly say to her as I nudge her to move. It took a while before she allowed me to take her away.

In a secluded area, I sit her down on a wooden bench and watch as she holds back tears. "I'm sorry you had to witness that." She apologizes. I scrunch up my face at the apology.

"Why are you apologizing?" I ask her. "You don't need to apologize for anything." She takes hold of one of my hands and squeezes it tightly.

"I never wanted you to witness one of our fights. It's gotten worse with each passing year." She reveals to me. She sighs and rubs her forehead as she gives me a shaking laugh, "it used to be passive-aggressive, but now we are butting heads. I don't understand him. He's too proud. He undermines me at any given chance and is a jealous man." She turns to look at me with fire in her eyes. "I am not a trophy."

The Hawk WarriorsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora