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Sitting up, I lean my head against the wooden headboard of my bed and sigh. Pulling on the chain from my lamp, I look around the darkroom. The lamp only illuminates the area around me. Next to me, I saw Hamlet with his head buried in his shoulders. My clock, in red numbers, shows it is only five in the morning.

Getting out of bed, I change into training clothing and yawn throughout the process. Half absently eating my cereal, I stare at my door. Suddenly my phone buzzes and I look to see it's Hazel. Getting up, I shake my head to wake me up and swing the door open. Hazel's eyes widen in surprise with a slight grin on her lips. "What's with this miracle?" She jokes as she slips past me.

"I thought I should switch it up a bit," I say as I close the door.

"I'm impressed," she replies. Hamlet flies out of the room and lands on me. "Should we get a move on?"

"Please, I can't believe I'm saying this, but two days without training was actually unbearable," I comment, making her giggle.

"You're lying!" She says, not believing me.

"I wish I was," I reply.

"I must be doing something right to have changed you." She faces me as she walks. "What is it you want to do today?"

"I can do more with weightlifting," I suggest. Facing the correct way she thinks about it.

"No, I think you're ready to start fighting!" She squeals.

"I'm not doing that!" I protest.

"Are you scared that I'm going to beat you?" She teases as she unlocks the gym door.

"To be truthful, yes," I answer.

She laughs at my honesty and glances over at me.
"You can mentally prepare yourself while we warm up." She tells me.

"Your warm-ups are a workout in of itself," I comment. Hazel chooses to ignore me since she instructs me on what to do.

After a long warm-up, I see that grin form on her lips that made me groan in protest. "Aw, don't tell me you don't want to do this?" She teases.

"I don't want to do this," I reply.

"Just get in a stance, and I'll tell you where to fix it." She says, calming my nerves. I get into my fighting position and feel those eyes roam my body. The sensation of her soft hands lowering my arms a bit left my heart racing. A soft kick to my ankle made me shift my weight. "Remember to forget who I am. I am not a girl, and you are not a man. I am your enemy." She calmly says. "You have to knock me on the ground." I nod my head nervously as I take in her stance. Her stance oozed confidence as she focused in on me. Only me. "Go!" She shouts, making me rush to her.

I do the first thing that pops into my head, which is to throw a punch. She grabs my wrist and twists it away from her, making me weak. "You can do better!" She says to me. I shake my head and rub my head.

"I can't," I tell her. She stands up straight and walks over to me.

"Don't limit yourself," she motivates.

"I like to think I'm strong, but I'm not," I confess to her.

"So? As long as you can fight, then you have a chance. Come on, let's do it again." She smiles, causing me to obey her every order. Every punch I seem to give out ends up with my back hitting the cold floor. Sometimes it would be a straight shot down or a twist, then a body slam.

Groaning, I slowly stand up and look at her flushed face. "At least let me get a good punch," I tell her.

"No, you have to fight for it." She says with a serious face. "I'm not here as a favor. I'm here to make you the best warrior they have ever seen."

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