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My heart skipped as I sat in the pristine chair in Mr.Kleason's prison. I knew my torture would begin. The wardens rudely shoved us down the white hallways.

I saw Rae and sat next to her in the meeting hall or our jail. I was almost enjoying nit being worked to death when Dustin, the sadistic serial killer, sat beside me.

I turned to Rae and continues to rant until the wardens hushed us. The show began, and it wasn't that bad. I thought it couldn't get any better until Wise Master Carlee came in sharing many wise words of wisdomness.

Annie had a solo and rocked the house on her saxophone covered in pictures of Nicholas Cage. U sat back and thought, " Now what to do about Dustin?"

Lexi out!!!!!! ;) Torch is passed to you Annie.

A Wierd Deranged FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now