My Turn

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My mouth hung open in shock and I stared at the man kneeling in front of Rae. He said his name was Geoffry.

He said these words and I quote,"My fairest Rae your beauty outshines the sun. You are my world and I love you with a burning passion. Will you go out with me?"

And to which she responded with,"AAAAAHHHHH! STRANGE MAN!!!"

Rae and Annie dashed away leaving me behind. I mumbled an apology to the poor man and chased after my friends.

When I caught up I accused them of leaving me with the stalker. Rae's stalker Geoffry.

Finally, they responded, "Lexi! Don't be so dramatic."

To which I ended with, "Go marry Geoffry, Rae. You know you guys need a power couple name, like Gae or Reoffrey. OH I GOT IT ITS RAFFREY! OH MY GOSH I AM A GENIUS!!!"

Eventually it ended in my bizarre happy dance which included jumping, waving hands, and the Moonwalk. Please, don't ask.

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