The Bus

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Written by Rae!

Well my first day of sixth grade was awesome! Well at my old school anyways. The lockers here are so confusing! I had to move and now I'm at a school full of meanies, red necks, and rich kids. The first day here sucked! A teacher, who is really annoying, paired me up with a random student that smells funny! All of the kids (83%) are really mean too!

Now I have no idea what to do! I don't like her, but I don't want to be rude.(I was stuck with her for the entire year)

I know two people that go here from my old school, but I don't like them... Well I talk to one of them on the bus quite a lot. He seems crazy, but I think I'm crazier... And speaking of the bus...

Also, there is this really creepy girl on the bus. Her name is Lexi(She is my best friend after 6th grade(this year) and so is Annie). She kept saying 'hi' to me everyday. I just kept staring out the window.

Wise Master Carlee moved here in the middle of the year. I didn't talk to Wise Master Carlee much. Wise Master Carlee was in my 7th period and Wise Master Carlee and I were partners once in health. Wise Master Carlee's words of wisdom occurred a lot.

At the end of the year I had met this girl named Annie. She reminded me of me. (we came to the conclusion that she stole half of my soul). I didn't have any classes with her until 7th grade though... But the only reason I met her was because of that girl I mentioned earlier... O-o


Well I thought our story needed a bit of a background story. I am sorry too because its short but I have a terrible memory. HURRY UP LEXI!!!!!!!

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