Chapter 1

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I'm Sierra. I'm 19 and I live with my friend, Anna, in Eastern London. There's something you should probably know about me, I'm deaf. Since birth I've been learning sign language. It's not exactly easy, living a life like this. When people talk on the street all I hear is a loud ringing. Anna, my room mate, is my only friend that was willing to learn sign language for me. Anna is kind of like a mom to me, she's 25 and she's always there for me.

Chapter 1


Gravity- John Mayor

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It was half past two, I was heading for the doctor, for a checkup. We were driving down the road, it felt like hours until we finally reached the hospital. The walls were dozens of feet tall, entirely made of glass. The door was made of cheap plastic, the arch over it was made of light colored stone. We walked inside, the nurses walked us to the room.

The man and Anna talked for five minutes and then he put the audioscope in my ear. He then layed me down on a long padded table. I was face down. I could smell the brown leather, it was like... pine, and burnig plastic. He then put in my earplugs. They had a special ointment on them that seeped down into my eardrums. Ten minutes later he patted my back and told me to sit up.

"We'll do and X ray in one minute. Change into this." He handed me a gown. I nodded and he waved goodbye. Like that, he was gone.

"Go ahead," Anna said with hand gestures. "I won't look." She smiled and turned around.

I stripped of my green shorts, white Tee and white Hightops. The gown was covered in Piglet and Pooh Bear designs. I smiled and slipped it over my thin red hair. I tapped Anna's shoulder and she laughed at the design. I never heard it of course, but her large mouth opened wide and her pearly teeth showed. She gave me a great big hug and we walked into the exam room.

"Lay here straight on your back." The doctor signed to me. I layed down and patted my gown, I was feeling uncomfortable. He went behind the window and took five pictures of my head.

"Well, I'll have these mailed to the office tonight, you should have them by Thursday." The doctor signed. He waved goodbye and shook my small hand. He quickly ran out the door.

I looked at Anna with confusion. She shrugged her shoulders. "Let's leave." She signed. I nodded and I changed into my outfit. We walked out, and that was it.

That night we had pancakes, bacon, oatmeal, and eggs. It was usually pretty awkward, except for the nights she was in a great mood. Sometimes she would ask 'how is it' or 'I don't remember that outfit, it's really beautiful.' Or something close to that.

We talked about what had happened at the doctor's hours earlier, and then she said that I should probably get to sleep. So I hopped into my PJ's and brushed my teeth. I hugged her good night, said my prayers, and went to sleep.

I tossed and turned all night. I mean, it's not unusual for me of course, I hadn't slept good since age eleven. All nightmares about dying of ear cancer or never gaining my hearing, ever. I suddenly screamed. Anna came running in as fast as she could.

"What is it?!" She signed frantically. I took small heavy breaths and I was sweating like a waterfall.

"The dreams," I shook. I began to sob as she hugged me. Tighter and tighter she squeezed. She kissed my forehead softly.

"Would you like to sleep in my room tonight?" She asked. I nodded carefully. We walked down the hallway into her room, which was almost twice the size of mine. She set up four pillows and three sheets on the couch and brought in two glasses of water. I layed in the pillows, covering my face with the blankets.

Maybe if I cry loud enough, God will hear my sobbs and send an angel.


Hello 😀 I really hope that you like this first chapter... Sorry it's so short. Thanks for reading, read more when I update guys. Ily baees💋👏

{{{{{{{{{{Oh yeah and comment your great love😀💕💬}}}}}}}}}}


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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 19, 2014 ⏰

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