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I didn't know what to do. I couldn't break the bonds, I couldn't use my power. I could only watch as Tamlin carried my mate, my High Lady, away from me. I only prayed that I could get Feyre back before he hurt Feyre.
I sat there, staring at the passage where the King and Tamlin had gone, and waited for them to return, waited for them to come and kill me, but nothing happened. The shield between myself and my remaining family disappeared, allowing Mor to rush to my side and try to help me break the bands of light, but they didn't move.
Eventually they disappeared like the shield, allowing me to final stand and go over to Amren, still trying to help Cassian and Azriel. I bent down to try and help, but I was unable to comment as I took in the state they were in.
Both of them had broken all their bones, some of which were jutting out of their arms and legs, and blood poured from their mouths. Their wings were twisted, the membrane ripped in odd places, and I wasn't certain that we could winnow with them, wasn't sure if we could get them to a healer in time to save them.
"Mor, can you help me winnow everyone back to the town house??" I asked her, finally finding my voice. She only nodded and grabbed a hold of Azriel's arm, disappearing immediately. I took hold of Cassian and Azriel, but took one final look at the room, at the pool of blood that held my child. My dead child. I winnowed back to Velaris, finding a healer already working on Azriel, his arms now bandaged and his legs being helped. Another healer stood next to Mor, and took a step towards me to heal Cassian.
The Illyrians were lying on the couch, taking up all the space to sit, so we pulled three chairs in from the kitchen and sat by the door, watching the healers patch up our friends. I tried to contact Feyre through the bond, but I found nothing, our bond shattered to bits.
I would get her back. Or I would die trying.


I love you, Feyre.
Those words had haunted my dreams. His last words to me as our bond broke, as I was taken from him and forced back into the court I despised.
I woke up, my surroundings unfamiliar, but not the scent. That horrid scent. Tamlin's scent.
I was in his room.
Remembering the events of my last stay, I tried to figure out a plan to survive. If I remained loyal to the Night Court it could have disastrous consequences, and Rhys could lose something more valuable than his wings, than his child.
My child. My dead unborn child. Dead because of Tamlin.
No. I couldn't risk sacrificing anything or anyone else. That only left one option. Pretending that I had been under Rhys's spell, and become loyal to Tamlin again until I could escape once more.
I had to find out as much as possible, so I evaluated my surroundings, determined to find something to tell my family. The room was empty. Good. I looked down at my wrists. No manacles. And a glamour still covering the tattoo declaring me High Lady, but not the tattoos twinned with Rhys's. I then tried to find my bond with Rhys, tried to find a way to talk to him, but all I found was a shattered bridge between us. Because of Tamlin.
I looked lower, to my stomach, and felt a scar under my exceptionally revealing clothing, the only indication that I'd ever bore a child. A now dead child. Because of Tamlin.
I'd lost everything because of Tamlin, but I'd also found everything because of him. I still hated him though.
I got up, determined to find a way to escape this hellhole called a court.
Knowing I couldn't do much in a nightgown I went to the wardrobe, Tamlin's wardrobe, and found two dresses with long sleeves and high necklines in there along with his tunics and trousers. I could have taken the tunics, could have showed my strengths, but I had to play the part, had to find out what happened to my family, had to find out what Tamlin was doing with Hybern, so I took a peach coloured dress and left the room, determined to do something useful.
I only took three steps down the corridor before finding my way blocked by the monster. Tamlin.
"Feyre, do you remember me? Do you remember our love?" He asked me, straight to the point. Dammit. I hadn't thought about what I would say to him, so I chose to stay silent, not trusting myself to speak, and just nodded. "Do you still love me, Feyre?" I had never answered yes before, never wanted to bring out the wedding plans and party guest lists. Despised the thought of sleeping with him, kissing him willingly, becoming his pet to play with whenever he wanted me. But there was a first time for everything.
"I do." The relief in his eyes was real, but I saw him slip pale blue manacles further down into his pocket. So he wasn't sure that the King could break a mating bond. Good, that was some information at least. He didn't fully trust the King's powers.
He came up to me and embraced me, his mouth meeting my own. It was wrong, so wrong. I couldn't do this, couldn't give him what he wanted. Not now.
So I pulled back, hugging myself, forcing tears to flow down my cheeks, backing against the wall.
"Feyre! What's wrong?" Tamlin sounded so concerned for me, for his frail little doll.
"I-I, I just..." I stammered, playing the part of the helpless lady. "R-Rhysand kept... kept touching me against my will. It, it's all too fresh. I'm sorry." I forced myself to keep crying, to look at my feet, to act like his pet.
"It's ok, Feyre. You are safe here. He can't get you. You're safe." He came towards me, still pushing his boundaries, still trying to touch me. I tensed as he put his arms around me, but forced my body to relax into his embrace. "Let's go down to eat. Are you hungry?" He asked me. I nodded, desperate to go somewhere else, to do something other than kiss him. He took my hand and led me into the dining room downstairs, but I couldn't help but stare at the walls as we walked, at the claw marks through every painting lining the halls, at the destruction surrounding us.
I looked to Tamlin, the question on my face, and felt him shift uncomfortably besides me. "I couldn't think straight after you left last time, when you were under his spell, so loyal to that monster that I couldn't break through to you. It tore me apart. I destroyed everything that was beautiful in this place, everything that reminded me of you." Everything, I noticed, except the Illyrian wings proudly displayed in the hall, hanging from the ceiling for all to see. Rhys's wings, his beautiful wings, his mother's and sister's next to them.
I felt nothing but horror as I saw the display, bile rising in my throat, worsened as I saw Tamlin smile at his trophies. He took my disgust at the display as disgust towards the male they belonged to.
"It's ok Feyre. He can't come here. His wings are a reminder that he really is weak, that we can beat him. You will be fine, so long as you stay with me." He couldn't be more wrong.
"But he has wings again." I said, my voice full of faked fear.
"He won't have them much longer. He won't be alive much longer."

A Court of Blood and GloryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon