Chapter 3-Taken

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Chapter 3- Taken



My body wont listen to me it wont run. Why aren't you running. Why are you tilting your head! Stop it body! Stop it!

His fangs grazed my neck and.bit.down into my neck, breaking the skin, I wanted to scream. The pain was so excruciating pain in my neck, and my whole body. It felt like getting tons and tons on acid getting dumped into my blood stream

So i blacked out from the pain.

"We will be together soon my Beloved"


Lucy Bleu


"So you're telling that she is some how immune to my venom! How?! I'm her Beloved, her body is suppose to let the venom turn her into a vampire!" A voice boomed, yeesh can he shut the fuck up, im obviously sleep, rude boy. 

"Uhmm, sure she has to love you before you do that, her body is foreign to you, its natural that it did that."

"So now you  think you're all smart huh?!" The man yelled again

"Uhm, sir, I am a doctor."

"TROYVN! Get out of here before i break your  little neck." His voice went silence, as foot steps were heard following a door closing. The bed sunk in beside me. A cold hand traced my jaw-line the my lips. 

"My Love, why wont you accept me? Its because im not like thoses human boys? Ill kill every single one."

I hop up out of my spot onto the bed and put my hand on his chest,

"Ohhh! No need for that." My raspy not so sexy sounding morning voice said. "I love you just the" I said slowly looking in his eyes, so red.

"The how come when i bit you, your body wouldnt accept my venom? Hmm."

'Well maybe you bit me by surprise attack like a fucking ninja!"

"Not my Fault! I knew you would resist! I mean who would! Im Irresistable!"

"Dracula, you are Very, Very resistable." 

"Wow so Blunt..." 

A suddenly sound of doors slamming against the walls 

"Oh Dracy Im Back!!!"

So yeah sorry for this boogie chapter, better then nother right...hehe..hehe kay byee



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