"Baby girl, you don't mean that," Michael stepped towards me.

"Don't tell me what I mean Michael!" I snapped at him, making him freeze in place. "I said what I said." I crossed my arms over my chest. 

Michael looked towards Janet as if asking for help, but she just shrugged her shoulders. The doorbell rang, making us all look towards it. We all just stood there.

"I guess I'll have to get the door," Michael said after a few seconds of silence. 

"I guess you will," I sneered at him. He just shook his head and walked out of the living room.  

"Carter, that wasn't fair," Janet admonished. I sighed and nodded.

"I know. I just couldn't help it," I added lamely. 

"Its probably just the hormones. He doesn't know that yet, though so take it easy on him."

"Thanks for understanding Jan," I said.

"What are sisters for?" She winks at me and Michael walks in, with Liv following behind.

"Hey Carter, Janet," Liv greeted us. Janet smiled and said hey, while I just nodded at her. "Not talking to me, huh?"

"Why should I?"

"Because I'm your best friend. It's always been me and you for years now. You know that."

"Well, guess what. We're growing up. We're both 29 years old. I'm getting married. As my best friend, you should've been helping me celebrate but instead, you were arguing with someone else over something so fucking petty." I said. 

"Her basically saying that her and Eddie have been fucking around isn't something that's 'so fucking petty'," She seethed at me. "You've been so concerned with Avery and Janet being your new fucking best friends, you've forgotten all about me!" She accused.

"Um, can we leave my name out of this? Thanks," Janet interjected but we both ignorned her. 

"Oh, so I've forgotten about you because I'm not kissing your ass like everyone else in your life? Oh ok." I rolled my eyes. 

"Carter," Michael called my name in a warning tone as he moved to stand next to me.

"I put you in the wedding because we've been friends for years and I couldn't imagine the biggest day of my life without you there," I go on, ignoring Michael. " You couldn't stop being selfish for five fucking minutes though."

"I'm selfish? I'm selfish?!" She yells, pointing to herself. 

"You've always been fucking selfish! Every since we were kids! I just dealt with it because I love you but you've always had your head too far up your ass to notice," I said. It felt good to be getting all of this shit off of my chest.

Liv looked as if she was about to cry and I started to feel a little bad, but she deserved to hear all of this. 

"Ok, why don't we all calm down?" Michael suggested. "You two have been friends for too long to let something like this come in between you. You both would be lost without each other and you know it."

We both looked down at the ground because he was right. Liv has been my person since, well, forever. As mad as I am, I didn't want our friendship to end.

"I'm sorry," Liv spoke up. "I should've been there for you. You're right, I am selfish." She stated, wiping her tears that seemed to just keep flowing.

"No, no, no," I said, walking over to her and wiping her face for her. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been ignoring you. I didn't do it purposefully."

"I know you didn't Car," she smiled weakly. "You've always been there for me and now it's my turn to be there for you." She grabbed my hands and held them in hers. "Do you forgive me?"

"You're forgiven," I say, hugging her tightly. All of a sudden, I heard someone clear their throat. I pulled back from our hug and saw Avery standing in the doorway to the living room.

"What's going on here? Why all the tears?" She chuckled. She walked over to us and smiled lightly.

"Just exchanging apologies," I replied, glancing over at Liv, who winked back at me.

"Speaking of apologies, I owe you a huge one Carter," Avery started. "I was too selfish and wrapped in my own feelings to consider the fact that I was stressing you out and making this whole experience less enjoyable for you. I'm really sorry."

"Ave, I understand. And I accept your apology," I held my arms out and she stepped into them and hugged me tightly. 

"I'm sorry Avery," Liv spoke, making us all look at her in surprise. "What? I'm willing to be cordial if she is."

"I'm willing. Truce?" She extended her hand out towards Liv, who grabbed it and shook it. 

"Truce," she confirmed.

"I love it when my girls are affectionate," Michael gushed, causing me giggle and Avery to hit him in the arm.

"Well, now that we're all friendly again, I've finally decided who my maid of honor will be," I stated. 

"Who baby?" Michael asked.

"Janet," I announced, looking over at her. 

Her eyes widened and she shook her head in disbelief. "Me?"

"Yeah. You've been there for me a lot lately and you are sister after all," I poked her arm and she swatted my hand away.

"Thank you so much Carter," she said before hugging me. 

"No problem babe," I replied as I pulled away from her. 

I was so happy that everything ended up working itself out. Without all of this drama going on, I could finally focus on preparing to marry the love of my life. And I couldn't wait.

There's probably only one or two chapters left of this story, which makes me so sad. I've been writing this story for two years and its my baby lol. But I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to vote and comment! Love you all!

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