Chapter 46

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Carter's POV

Two months later, it was the end of March, which meant that we had two weeks left until the wedding. We decided on April 8th for the date and London for the location. We went on a weekend trip about a month back and found a beautiful church in the countryside. It's all going to be perfect.

I've found the dress, all of the arrangements have been made (with Lawrence's help, of course), and now the only thing that I have to focus on is marrying the love of my life. 

"Baby?" I heard Michael call out for me.

"In here!" I yelled and soon enough, his curly head poked through the crack in the door. 

He walked into his office and over to stand in front of his desk that I was sitting at. "What are you doing in here?"

"I'm still trying to pick out what flowers I want in my bouquet," I held up the catalog that I was flipping through. 

"You still haven't done that?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"You still haven't written your vows have you?" I looked at him and he held his hands up in surrender.


I giggled and shook my head. "What's up though?" I asked as I looked back down at the catalog.

He thought for a minute and then snapped his fingers. "I came to tell you that both Olivia and Janet are on their way over here to pick up their bridesmaid dresses. Avery is here too."

I looked up in a panic and shook my head. "What the hell Michael? I told you not to let Liv and Avery be in the same room together."

"What was I supposed to tell Liv when she called? 'No, you can't come over to pick up the dress that you're going to wear in your best friend's wedding because your enemy is here?'"

"Uh, yeah!" I exclaimed, making Michael shake his head at me. "You know that they've never liked each other much and it's gotten worse since they're both determined to be my maid of honor."

"First of all, if you would just pick someone for God's sake, they wouldn't be fighting over it. You should've nipped that in the bud a long time ago." He points out.

"I can't pick! Liv has been my best friend since forever but Avery has been there for me every since I met you," I counter back.

"Well, looks like you have a decision to make," he says just as we hear horns honking outside. I push the chair I'm sitting in to the window behind me and see both Janet and Liv's cars outside. I wave and then turn back to Michael. 

"Well, since you set me up for this, you're helping me deal with the inevitable fallout that's about to happen," I say as I stand up.

"I would but I can't," he checks his watch. "Suit fitting with Eddie and my brothers."

"You can't be serious Michael!" I pout and cross my arms over my chest.

"I'm sorry babe. Just take care of it today and you won't have to worry about it anymore," he says.

I don't respond to him and just roll my eyes instead. He walks over to me and holds my by my elbows. 

"Don't be like that baby. Ok?" He pulls a silly face at me out of nowhere, making me crack a small smile. "There's my girl. I love you."

"I love you more," I reply before he leans down and kisses me. 

"Hey, Lovebirds! Bring your asses down here right now!" I hear Olivia yell from downstairs.

"Yeah, I want to see my dress!" Janet adds.

Michael sighs before yelling, "Here we come!" 

He looks back at me, smiling. "You'll be fine, ok baby?"

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