Chapter 42

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Carter's POV Two Days Later

Me and Michael stepped off the last step of the staircase and onto the airport tarmac. We just got off of the flight coming back from Paris and I can honestly say, it feels good to be home.

We walked through the terminal into the airport. There were a bunch of fans waiting and also a bunch of paparazzi. I inwardly groaned at the thought of them seeing us. We just got off of a 12 hour flight and I had jet lag like a bitch so needless to say, I didn't feel like being bothered.

Michael spoke to one of the security guards about where the car was. I stood by his side, holding his hand with one hand and the other hand wrapped around his arm.

He finished speaking to the guard and looked down at me. "Comfortable?" He asked.

"Shut up," I groaned in annoyance.

He laughed at my attitude and tightened his hold on my hand. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just tired and ready to get home," I replied.

He leaned down and kissed my forehead. "We're on our way baby. Just give me a minute."

I nodded and just gazed around the airport. I saw an old couple greet a younger man, who must be their son, who was dressed in an army uniform. The older lady grabbed him and kissed his face probably a hundred times, making him laugh loudly. I smiled at the sight.

I turned to my left and saw a woman who looked to be around my age and a little boy. A young man walked through the terminal that they were standing in front of and the little boy ran up to him shouting, "Daddy! Daddy!" He chuckled and bent down, picking him up and swinging him. The young woman walked up to them and the man pulled her into a group hug.

The sight made me tear up. I missed our little girl that we lost. I had barely thought of her over the past couple of weeks but seeing that little family made me start to long for a baby. I took a deep breath, willing myself not to cry.

"Carter? Carter?" I heard Michael call my name, making me break my day dreaming and look at him.

"You didn't hear me talking to you?"

"No. Sorry Applehead. I was...just thinking. What'd you say?" I said.

"I said that the SUV is out front and we can go now. You sure you ok?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I nodded. "Come on, let's go."

He looked at me again and reluctantly pulled me along with him towards the front door. We walked past where the fans and paparazzi were, causing them to start screaming.

"Michael, Carter, did you guys enjoy your vacation?!"

"Carter, look right over here!"

"Michael, when's the next album coming?!"

Michael waved at the fans, causing them to get even louder. We finally made it out of the front door and into the SUV. Our driver immediately sped off and we started off towards Neverland.

"I'm going to sleep as soon as we get home. I missed our bed," I said, turning to him.

"Mmm I did too baby girl," he smiled at me.

After about a 20 minute drive, we finally pulled into the gates of Neverland. The driver parked in front of the main house and I immediately hopped out, stretching my arms.

"Why don't you go ahead and go to bed babe?" Michael suggested as he walked around the car to me.

"Don't you need help with the bags?"

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