Chapter 47

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Carter's POV

I walked out of the doctor's office and sighed heavily. After taking the pregnancy tests and having them turn out positive, I made a doctor's appointment to make sure that I was actually pregnant. Turns out, I am pregnant. I'm exactly 12 weeks today and by the time the wedding happens, I'll be 14 weeks. I can't believe that I went through my whole first trimester and then some before I noticed that something was up. Hell, I didn't even notice it; Janet did.

Once I pulled into the driveway of Neverland, I saw that Janet's car was parked out front. She's the only person that knows and I'm sure that she came over just to hear the results of the doctors' visit.

I opened the front door and I'm immediately greeted by singing voices. I follow the voices into the living room and see Janet singing while Michael is playing the piano and harmonizing along with her. I try to quietly watch from the doorway but that doesn't last long because Michael spots me immediately.

"Hi baby," he said with a huge smile on his face.

I walked over to them and kissed him lightly before hugging Janet. "What are you two working on?"

"Just this idea that I had for a song," Janet explained. "Michael's just helping me work out the kinks."

"It sounds good," I said honestly.

"I said the same thing," Michael agreed. I moved to stand behind Michael and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. "What is it baby girl?" He glanced back at me.

"Um," I started to say but I was cut off by the phone ringing. Michael kissed my wrists before moving my arms from around him and standing up. 

"That's probably Avery calling," he explained. "Just give me a minute, alright?"

I just nodded in response and he walked off into the kitchen. I looked back at Janet, who was smiling at me. 

"So?" She wondered.

I glanced in the direction of the kitchen to make sure Michael was't in sight. He wasn't so I turned back to Janet. "I'm pregnant Jan. 12 weeks today."

"I called it!" She said excitedly, coming over and hugging me tight. I laughed and hugged her back. "Are you gonna tell Mike today?"

"I don't know," I shrugged.

"You don't know? You're gonna have to tell him eventually or he's gonna be confused as hell when you start showing," she poked my belly, making me swat her hand away.

"I just meant that I don't know if I want to tell him now or wait until after the wedding. We both went this long without noticing. Two more weeks won't matter much," I explained. "Besides, there's still a lot to do and I know that when I tell him, he's going to be all paranoid and watching me like a hawk."

"That's true," she agreed. "You won't be able to even leave the house by yourself." She said, making us both laugh.

All of a sudden, I saw Michael start to walk back into the living room but the phone rang again, making him groan loudly. 

"For fucks sake," he grumbled before walking back into the kitchen.

"Sure you want to marry that ball of sunshine?" Janet teased. 

"I'm sure," I smiled. Michael walked back into the living room, sighing heavily. "What's wrong?" I asked him, recognizing the look on his face. 

"That was Liv," he said, making me roll my eyes. "She said she's on her way over to talk to you."

"And?" I wondered.

"Avery's on her way over too," he confessed and I groaned.

"I'm not in the mood for their shit today," I rubbed my hands over my face. "After what happened the other day, I barely want them in the wedding."

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