Chapter 17

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Carter's POV

It was January now and also 1992. I was sitting at Neverland, having a girl's day with Elizabeth Taylor. I knew that Elizabeth was one of the very few people who Michael trusted and he greatly valued their friendship so I decided to get closer to her.

He was currently gone though, shooting the music video for Remember the Time. I couldn't wait to see it because that was one of my favorite songs on the album.

Me and Elizabeth were in the living room, watching one of her old movies Father of the Bride.

"This was one of the first films that I really got some recognition for," she told me. I nodded and turned back to the screen. Elizabeth was so beautiful back then. She's beautiful now too, don't get me wrong, but I see why she's always so in-demand.

"I've seen the remake but I've never seen the original." I told her.

We were watching the movie when I heard the front door open and a familiar voice.

"Baby? Lizzy?" Michael called out.

"We're in here darling," Elizabeth yelled back. Michael came walking into the living room with his hands behind his back.

"Hey you two," he said. He brought his hands from behind him. He had chocolates for Elizabeth and orchids for me. He kissed Elizabeth on the cheek and then kissed me on the lips.

"You straightened your hair," I said, looking at him. I'd never seen him with his hair like that.

"Yeah," he blushed. "New video, new look. You like it?"

I titled my head to the side. "I'll let you know."

"Well, I think you look wonderful darling." Lizzy smiled.

Michael laughed and put his arm around her shoulder. "This is why I love Lizzy more."

I rolled my eyes playfully and flipped him the finger. He laughed and stood back up.

"I'm gonna go change clothes. I'll be back down in like 20 minutes." He said.

We nodded and he went upstairs. After a couple of minutes, Lizzy yawned and stood up.

"I think I'm gonna go hit the sack," she said as she stretched her arms out.

"Aww, ok. Good night Liz."

"Good night sweetheart." She kissed my forehead and went upstairs. Since I had the couch to myself now, I laid out on it and continued watching the movie. I don't know how much time passed until Michael came back downstairs.

"Where's Lizzy?" He asked.

"She was tired so she went to her room."

"Ohh ok."

I held out my arms to him. "Lay with me."

He laughed and laid down on top of me. He laid his head on my chest and used one of his hands to make little circles on my stomach.

"How was the video shoot?" I asked as I started running my fingers through his hair.

"It was great. Your idea for Eddie to play the pharaoh was genius. He's hilarious."

"I'm glad it helped," I giggled. "When's it gonna be finished?"

"We should be finished shooting in the next two days and it should be released the middle of February."

I nodded and kept feeling through his hair.

"Baby, if you want me to talk to you, you gotta stop that," he said.

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