Chapter 14: A Mother's Will

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The young faker sighed as he opened his eyes " Great we have a War Mongrel "

" Shall we move to eliminate the Mongrel master? " Asked Angelica and if she said the word Mongrel in a arrogant and cocky tone Yuto would have mistaken her for the King of Heroes himself.

Nodding to her question Yuto started to head out putting his jacket on, " If what Tomoe told is true right now the two devil groups are preparing to face the Fallen Angel. One side is setting up a barrier at the school to block him and his followers from leaving while the other tries and faces him from the inside. "

" They won't last long " Tomoe truthfully said " If the ORC were outmatched by us they can't possibly defeat the Fallen Angel. I sensed his power myself and while a Servant can defeat him the devils can't "

Opening the door to his home Yuto stared at the moon once more " That's why Xenovia there helping them for now but even that won't be enough. With Lancelot they will all be killed "

" I take it we're gonna come crashing in? " Mordred grinned " Good i wanted a rematch with my fellow Knight anyhow"

Looking down Yuto smiled at his sister " Don't forget that there might be another servant there to face you and the other two"

Angelica gave her master a serious expression " Than i will eliminate them without mercy"

Chuckling Yuto activated the magic circuits in his legs " I'm counting on you to do let the Seventh Holy Grail War Begin." With that he sprinted off with inhuman speed that would match even that of Mordred's.

Tonight the supernatural world will see the full Scale War.

-Scene Change

Things were going bad for the ORC, they managed to defeat the dogs of that guarded the gates of hell but with Freed wielding the blade that had been created by fusing four of the Excalibur swords proved to be a challenge. Plus the fact that their greatest enemy was just watching them out of amusement didn't make things better for the group of devils. But they were able to turn things around when Kiba had managed to gain his Balance Breaker with the help of his friends from the Holy Sword project as well as Xenovia using one of the Four Holy Swords Durandal ( not to be confused with the Fate one where Gilgamesh had it stored in the GOB). Together the two sword wielders were able to defeat Freed and break the fuse Excalibur.

Even with the small victory over the battle the tide soon turned once the Knight in Black Armor appeared. He went in alone and destroyed them defeating each and every one of them like a mad man but also like a trained warrior. It was there Kokabiel killed Valper as the man realized something. The Fallen Angel himself announced it for him.

" God is Dead!"

The news surprised and shocked everyone but it affected Xenovia and Asia the most. They were devastated and now the Exorcist will to fight for her faith was gone. There was no point in Kokabiel eyes to allow the battle to continue on anymore. Creating a giant spear made of light he planned to kill the Gremory then move on to kill the other. But before he could the barrier made by the Student Council suddenly shattered as a red blur few inside. It collided with the weapon of light causing them both to explode creating a smokescreen blinding everyone.

" Trace On!"

Once the smoke cleared it showed Yuto in the air with two Chinese like swords in his hands. Bringing them down the two blades connected with a light spear that blocked them from hurting the Fallen Angel.

" So we meet again human!"

" Shut your mouth you piece of shit!"

Several blades appeared besides the faker as they fired themselves at the fallen. Said person moved out of the way quick enough to dodge them before he threw his weapon at the teen. Yuto seeing this threw both Bakuya and Kanshou at the light weapon effectively redirecting the attack somewhere else. Tracing once more the two blades appeared within his hands once again.

The ORC,Student Council,and Xenovia stood there in shock and awe. They watch as Yuto was able to combat Kokabiel on equal terms. Lancelot turned his attention from the devils to the child of his king. Roaring the King of Knights name he rushed at the faker, though he was forced to dodge several arrows and weapons. Turning to his attackers both Tomoe and Angelica appeared behind their Master ready to fight. It wasn't long until the Berserker Class Servant had to dodge once more as Mordred came down above with Clarent as he was almost sliced into two.

Kokabiel seeing the three servants grinned " So you have them too "

" Enough about my servants and yours. Its time that you focused on the person in front of you" Yuto took a fighting stance glaring at his enemy.

" Before i do it seems like mine needs a little bit of help " Kokabiel snapped his fingers as a large figure came charging in yelling like a madman. With his sword the figure bought it down on Mordred but the latter blocked it with a blade of her own. Though with the sheer amount of force a crater was formed from under her.

Yuto analyze the new enemy servant and with the help of the Holy Grail Fragment his eyes widen a bit. It was another Berserker Class Servant and this time it was the Spartan from Greece, Spartacus.

" Thanks Dad for your E-Rank Luck!" Yuto yelled out as he went in to help his sister until two light swords were thrown at him. He dodged and turned back to see Kokabiel still grinning as he formed two more Holy Light weapons.

" Where do you think your going!? Charging at the young Faker Kokabiel engaged in sword combat. The two went at it with their duel wielding weapons as it seemed they were evenly matched.

As the intense duel was happening the battle between Servants commenced. Angelica sent several weapons at the newly arrived Berserker Servant that impaled him but seemed to have no effect seeing as he added on pressure to his blade to try and crush Mordred. It would have worked if not for Tomoe kicking the man away from her.

Spartacus pulled the weapons out of him as he grinned madly and charged at the Archer. Lancelot followed behind aiming for Mordred, as the two knights engaged in combat the two Archers fought the Berserker. Though this one wasn't as smart or skilled as the Knight of the Lake. Dozens golden gates appeared all around the spartan as chains came out and wrapped around him binding the servant in place.

Several more gates appeared as swords and spears came out impaling Spartacus many times. Though he refused to go down until Tomoe rushed up to him, using her naginata she impaled it into his chest piercing the heart. Pulling out her Katana Tomoe sliced off his head throwing it into the air. Once done her fellow Archer fired a sword stabbing the head into the ground.

When all was done the second Berserker body creased moving as soon he disappeared. Showing that he was defeated.

The battle between the two knights of the round table continued on seeing as they were both skillful. Mordred however had a slight advantaged she herself fought like both a berserker and a saber. Soon enough the Knight of Rebellion overpowered the Knight of the Lake. Moving over to the battle between the two masters things were a bit different.

Jumping back Yuto held the broken Bakuya and Kanshou in his hands. The two broke after clashing with the Light weapons several times over and over. Of course the weapons were powerful and it was enough to start making the duel swords make down. Knowing the battle couldn't be drawn out any longer Yuto decided to use one a last resort

Dropping the duel swords Yuto breathed in

" I am the Bone of my sword"

A golden glow started to come from his chest where Yuto's heart was and soon another one appeared in his hands. It took the shape of a sword.

This was the very blade his mother gave him before her passing and it was the very sword.

That contained her will

End of Chapter.

Hoped you enjoyed the chapter and are hyped for the next one. Anyhow hoped you guys and ladies liked how i posted another chapter a day after the last one. I'll see you all in the next one, Peace.

Highschool DxD: Unlimited Blade Works ( rewriting 26-44)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant