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Camz: I know you're probably sleeping right now but I just wanted to tell you that I really fucking like you. I know you can't come out with me since you're 'dating' Ty but I just wanted you to know that I like you a lot.

Camz: I may come off as eager and very... Displeasing? I don't know but I just wanted you to know that no matter what I'll always try my best to make your day the happiest day ever.

Camz: I know we stopped talking for awhile when Ty was brought up but now I know what's actually going on with you two. I just want you to have a good day and try and think about positive things.

Camz: I really freaking like you, like a lot, and I don't want to be played again, so please take it easy on my heart. If you are only here to play me, don't answer any more of my texts. I just wanted to get that off my chest, goodnight/morning beautiful.

Camz: I just want what's best for you, even if I'm not in your life anymore. I may have not been the best thing to happen to you, but to me... You're my fucking rock. You're the moon to my sun. Again, goodnight/good morning baby girl.❤😘💞🐨


I know!!!!! But guess what? Next chapter is... Smut (love making, not hard core fucking. Also if you haven't go check out 5hislife1329 they will be writing the smut for me.)

Oops? (Camila G!p)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ