🍁•fourteen - a wedding•🍁

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Edward looked at me in awe as I laughed. "Don't tell me I look pretty." I said as he blinked for awhile.

"You look beautiful, gorgeous, oh my god - fuck, I'm so lucky." he said as I grinned, walking up to him as I fixed his hair. "It'll be cold, I'll still wear my coat tomorrow."

He nod his head as he pulled me on the bed, making me fall on top of him as I laughed.

"I'm telling you, you're really cheesy."

"Fuck it." he said as I laughed. "Stop cursing!" I said as I placed my palm on his lips. "You're such an idiot." I blurted as he nod his head.

"I agree."

Slowly pushing my hand away, he took a deep breath. "Go change back to your clothes while I call room service for dinner." he said as I nod my head, getting up from the bed as I went to my bag. "I'm going to shower." I said as I took my pyjamas and towel, getting my butt back to the bathroom.

Locking the door, I took a quick shower before changing into my pyjamas. Placing the dress back in the box, I wore a pinch of the perfume before leaving the bathroom. Neatly placing my clothes back, I sat beside Edward.

"Are you wearing the perfume I bought you?" he asked as I nod my head.

"Smells nice." I commented as he hummed, the room service arriving. He opened the door as they set the food right in front of us. "You can call me when you need me to clean it up - or just place it outside." she said with a smile before leaving.

Edward sat beside me. "Eat first. I have work to do." he said as he took his laptop out. Eating beside him, he had his laptop out, probably working on some project he had. He ordered fried rice for me and chicken soup for himself.

Taking a spoonful of the soup, I fed him slowly while watching the television. Feeding him the fried rice, he ruffled my hair before pecking my forehead.

"You're such a good maid." he joked, making me hit his arm, laughing.

"Whatever." I said as I continued on eating. "Did you see any shops here?" I asked, looking at him. He hummed as he nod his head, "There's one in front of the hotel. What are you going to get? he asked as he reached for his wallet, making me push his hands lightly.

"Some cigarettes. You want anything?" I asked as he looked at me. "Get me coke. Wait, I'm coming with you." he said as we went to our coats. Walking out the hotel room, we went to the elevator. "I'm just trying to ignore the fact that you're still wearing your pyjamas." he said as I chuckled, getting to the lobby.

Leaving the hotel, Edward held my hand as we crossed the road. Getting into the shop, I went and bought a pack of cigarettes while Edward bought some mineral water and coke. After paying, we went back to our hotel room.

Placing the pack in the table, I sat on the bed while watching Edward who was finally eating. Yawning, Edward turned to me. "I'm sleepy." I smiled as he smiled.

"Go to sleep - I have a few things to handle, then I'll join you." he said as I buried myself in the bed, closing my eyes just before he pecked my forehead.

"Goodnight, babe."

Smiling, I held his hand. "Goodnight, Edward."


I was nervous. Even when I had Edward right beside me. He was holding my hand when I saw Jonas. I'm not sure if it's the first time that he had ever saw Jonas - I don't know, my mind is pretty fucked up right now.

Jonas was up there, smiling , nervous, when he saw Aria walk down the isle with her dad. I saw his face lit up - he looks as if he's really in love with her, as if she isn't a game to him. And I'm starting to doubt whether she is a game to him.

You know, it was hard to believe that he was really in love with her. I doubt that that he even had feelings - I thought like me, she was also another game but seeing his face right now .., I doubt she was a game.

He seemed .., sincere.

I watch as Aria was beaming, grinning as she got up there.

"Jonas Nathaniel Adamson, do you take Aria Lorraine Lane as your beloved wife, through thick and thin, better or worst, rich or poor 'till death do you apart?"

He smiled at her.

"I do."

"Aria Loraine Lane, do you take Jonas Nathaniel Adamson as your beloved husband, through thick and thin, better or worst, rich or poor 'till death do you apart?"

Holding onto Edward's hand, he caressed my knuckles as Aria grinned.

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

The crowd cheered as Jonas pulled her closer, kissing her lips softly as I smiled softly. He had his hands on her waist, her hands wrapped around his neck as I looked at Edward.

He turned at me, smiling. "They look happy." he commented as I nod my head, agreeing. As much as I'm over him, I hate seeing him happy. He doesn't deserve it, even though I would often tell myself that everyone deserves their happy ending.

He doesn't deserve it.
He doesn't deserve Aria.

As him pulled himself from her, I looked at Edward, ignoring his gaze. "He's looking at you." Edward said as I looked down. "I know."

"Let's head to the ceremony - I'm hungry." he said as everyone got up and headed out to the ceremony. Edward held my hand really tight when we headed out. "So," he started. "Do you -"

"Chloe!" I heard someone call my name as I turned over to look, seeing Aria running at me in her wedding dress. Smiling, I looked at her. "Congratula-"

She hugged me, really, really tight. "I'm so glad you came!" she cheered as she pecked my cheek, laughing. Pulling away from the hug, I smiled as I held her hand. "Congratulations."

"Thank you!" she jumped as Jonas came beside her, almost making my smile fade.
"Congrats." I turned to him as he thanked me.

"Jonas Adamson." I heard him introduce himself to the person beside me, offering a handshake.

The person took his hand, shaking it firmly, with a grip. "Edward Collins."

Smiling, their gazes tore before Edward held my waist. "Congratulations. The both of you." he said as they thanked us, just before Jonas pulled Aria away, her face still beaming with a smile as she waved to me.

Edward pulled me, "Do you want to leave?" he asked.

"Yeah, let's leave."

Leaving the place, we ended up buying Burger King through the drive-through and ate in the car Edward rented. "You know, I really prefer Burger King more than McDonalds." I blurted as he chuckled, nodding his head.

"You know, there's a few things I want to talk about." he said. "But not here." he continued.

"Then where?"

"You know that our hotel room has a balcony, right?" he asked as I hummed. "There."

"You want to have a conversation on the balcony?"

"Yeah, but later, when you're ready."

"Is it something serious?"

"It's .., pretty serious."

"Why don't you just tell to me about it now?"

"I want to talk about it on the balcony."

I laughed as I looked at him. "Alright then. We'll talk about it on the balcony."

Though I was laughing, I don't think it would be something to laugh about. Plus, he wasn't laughing with me.


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