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"Just...for no reason?"

"I don't know, she just started yelling at me."

"Come on, she just starts fuming at you out of nowhere? Especially at two in the morning?" Bashir sighed.

"Perhaps Allura finally snapped about Lance's connection with Keith-" Haliz held a hand up, interrupting Bashir.

"I don't think I was talking to you." Bashir rolled his eyes at Haliz, who turned back to Lance, "Why don't you tell me what happened. If Allura really did charge at you, like you said, then there must've been some reason to trigger that decision to go at you." Lance didn't say anything, "What were the two of you doing the day before?"

"We..were having dinner. Just me, Father, Coran, and Allura. It seemed, normal. She was laughing and having a good time."

"So why would her mood suddenly change?" Lance shook his head, looking away.

"I'm...just as confused as you are. The way she looked at me, it was just—pure hatred. She wanted nothing to do with me." Lance sighed, "That wasn't my sister." Haliz tapped his chin.

"So if she had no real reason to lash out, then I guess the only other explanation is.." He pretended like he was trying to think of another answer, which only aggravated Keith even more, "oh, that's right! My explanation!" Keith watched as the jury talked with each other again. Lance looked around with nervous eyes.


"So I can only assume that you went after Allura."

"She attacked me though!"

"But you can't prove that can you? Allura is dead. That's a pretty heavy weight on you isn't it?" Lance's eyes teared up. "Oh wait, unless you consider one teeny tiny, itty bitty, smidge of a detail." The room went silent, so Bashir scoffed.

"Which is?" He asked impatiently. Haliz smirked, pointing to the younger Galran in the front.

"Prince Keith was there!"

"What?!" Alfor sounded infuriated. There were gasps around the room, and Keith shrank in his seat. Lotor glanced around the room, biting his lip. Haliz raised a cocky brow, turning again to Lance.

"He even stated, 'She said she was going to bed.' Huh, that's pretty interesting, Prince Lawrence. If she was going to bed, then what was she doing in the kitchen!?" Keith frowned with large eyes.

"How does he—" Lance looked about ready to have a heart attack.

"Th-that was hours before!"

"Why was Prince Keith, as well as his own brother, lying about his location? What are you hiding?"

"Alright!.....yes, Keith was here on Altea." Zarkon turned to Keith with a glare.

"Guess you'll be getting that lecture after all." Lotor whispered; Keith hit him on the shoulder.

"He flew in to see me...we just didn't want things to end the way they did. We spent, maybe like, thirty minutes together before Allura came to my room:

"What is he doing here!?" Allura shouted. They both looked to the door, terrified, "Wait till I tell Father about this!"

"Allura wait! Please, you don't need to do this!" Lance tried reasoning with her. She glared at Keith.

"I've just about had enough of you, Galra!" Keith backed up.

"Keith, get out of here, now!" Lance shouted as she came running at Keith. He gasped and opened the window. Lance stood between him and Allura. "Stop it! Look look, he's leaving, alright! Are you happy now?"

I Love You, Not Her (Klance)Where stories live. Discover now