Chapter 21: Permission

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Karter had met with his newly appointed lawyer a few days ago. My parents even joined them to make sure it all went smoothly. They even all went to the prison to sit with Karter's father. From Karter's expression today, I assumed it went amazing. I had never seen him smile for so long. Everyone at school was surprised to see him smiling. He was in an amazing mood. Of course, Manny thought impure thoughts behind the reason of Karter's good mood. He was slightly disappointed to know his theory was not correct.

My parents on the other hand have had this awakening moment where they suddenly began splurging me with gifts and taking me out on one on one little dates. They even started complimenting and praising me for the littlest things. I think it was their way of righting any wrongs. I felt bad calling them out like that during dinner with Karter, but I needed to.

Karter got off work late today so we decided to have a late night together. My parents seemed to trust him a little more, respect him even, maybe even like him once they spent time with him and took a glimpse into his life. Karter was impressive. I could not think of anyone capable of surviving and keeping everything together the way he was.

We sat side by side on the swings under the starry sky. It was a little breezy, but I liked it.

"You said something to me when we first met, something about happiness," Karter told me. I turned my head to look at him. I could not remember what I said.

He didn't wait for me to say anything. "I thought it would take a little more time, that it was going to be close to impossible to be happy again. You've given me a taste Livia, I want to thank you for that. I will forever be in your debt."

My heart pounded so hard I thought it might jump out my chest. I gave him a wide smile. "How about one favor?"

"Anything," Karter said. I could see that if I asked him for the moon he would build a rocket and bring it for me.

"Give Jared and Madeline a chance, please for me," I begged. I could see he was beginning to regret his offer and deny mine. "Just listen, since we have become closer have you seen one thing wrong with him. He's just been so good. I know you see it. I know with all my heart he will treat Maddy right. Do you not trust me?"

"It's the fact that I trust you that pisses me off," he grunted. I got off the swing and went to stand between his legs. He wrapped his hands around my waist out of habit pulling me closer to him.

"So will you give him a chance? I know the homecoming dance is coming soon and it would mean the world to Maddy," I said. She's been really upset about it.

He frowned his lips. He needed a little more convincing.

I kissed his lips then pulled away. "How about now?"

A smug smile snuck on his lips. "Mmmm I'm half way there."

I rolled my eyes and kissed him again.

He shook his head. "Almost."

I scoffed. This made Karter chuckle before wrapping his hand at the base of my head and kissing me. After deliberately taking my breath away, he pulled back with a satisfied grin. "We'll start with homecoming and one date, I'll decide if I like how it feels after that."

Whoa. Two things. That's awfully generous of him. "Really?!"

He nodded his head, something twinkling in his eyes. I grabbed his hand dragging him. "Come on, we have to go tell her the good news!"

Karter laughed at my excited state. I was happy for Maddy and my brother. They have been wanting this for so long.

We made it to Karter's house where I ran to the familyroom where Maddy was watching Vampire Diaries.

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