Chapter 2: First Impressions

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Jared parked the car in the school parking lot and turned off the ignition. I couldn't even reach for the door handle, let alone get out of the car from my nerves.

I looked at my brother in fear and desperation. "Please don't make me do this."

He frowned before giving me his puppy dog eyes. I hated his puppy dog eyes. It always got him what he wanted. I glared at him trying to stay mad but my walls kept falling. Darn the way he has mastered it! It frustrated me!

I sighed in defeat before storming out the car and away from Jared.

Maybe I can become friends with Karter? If we're friends maybe I could convince him to let his sister date my brother? That sounded like a much better plan! I liked it. Okay Livia, let's change Operation Love to Operation Friendship. Jared did not need to know as long as the endgame was the same. Everyone was a winner in the end.

I went to my locker to pick out my books finding Manny already waiting for me there. He looked awfully excited to see me. I gave him a dark look earning a guilty one in response. He opened his mouth to say something before his eyes darted behind my shoulder. His face morphed into one of dread. "Ugh, Carly alert."

I cringed at the mention of her name. Great. Brace yourself Livia.

"Hey Liv!"

Taking in a calming breath, I turned to face her with a forced smile. "Hey Carly."

Carly Shepard. She came to me every morning asking me some sort of question about Jared. I felt as if one day I will finally snap at her and it will not be pretty.

"I was wondering, does Jared listen to Upright Penguins?" she asked.

Upright what now?


"They are this new band, how haven't you heard of them?" she asked, looking like a girl who found out her date still didn't know what her name was. She rolled her eyes as if I had irked her and not the other way around. "Anyways, find out for me will you. Bye!"

My fingers curled into fists as I trembled in anger. One day Carly, one day.

"I don't know how you put up with her," Manny groaned. "I swear just let me at her. I will destroy her."

I shook my head. If Manny wanted to, he could destroy someone with just his tongue. I was not a mean person even though Carly was asking for it. "Don't... well not yet at least."

"You say the word and ima pull her right out of your hair," he promised.

"Thanks Manny." Not looking forward to be subjected to more Jared-ness this morning, I decided to go to class early. "I think I'm just going to go to class, I don't need another Carly coming for me."

Manny patted my shoulder. "Stay strong."

I left Manny and went to class. I walked through the classroom door only to stop in my place. Being this early, the class was empty except for two people. One of them being Straight-A-Sandra reading a textbook too big for high school and the other student being Karter. He had his head between his arms, lying down on the table in front of him. Oh no. I was not ready for this yet. Maybe I could walk out slowly without him noticing me.

I took a step backwards only to have my foot hit the leg of the table making me swear in pain. My plan went down as Karter's head snapped in my direction and his gaze met mine through his dark hair that covered his eyes. I immediately dropped my leg that had been cradled in my hands as I jumped up and down in an awkward dance of pain. I ran a hand through my golden brown hair trying to get myself together. He brought his gaze back down before resting his head on his arms again. Maybe I could approach him now? Be strong Liv!

Dealing with Karterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें