Chapter 21 (Virgil)

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I rushed around Thomas's apartment with Patton at my heels. The ball was in an hour, but I couldn't find my right shoe! I would literally have two left feet at the ball.

"Found it!" Patton suddenly shouted, waving the shoe in the air like a trophy. He handed it to me and we rushed off to our rooms to finish getting ready. After another five minutes of tying my tie, ten minutes of fussing with my hair, and fifteen minutes of extensively examining my appearance, I deemed myself ready.

Patton had picked out a light blue suit with a silver tie. Logan was wearing a navy blue suit with a black tie. The two would be look amazing. And me? I chose a deep violet suit with a maroon tie. I appeared in the common room and Patton immediately squealed.

"Anxiety! You look amazing!" Patton swiped at his eyes. "My little baby is all grown up," he sighed, clinging to Logan's arm. Logan chuckled, but looked down with an adoring gaze. I interrupted their moment as I stalked up to Logan.

"Don't you even think about hurting Patton," I growled. Logan's eyes grew wide with fear as he readily shook his head. I stepped back and cleared my throat. "Good. Shall we go?" I stepped out the door and got into the car. Patton giggled and trailed after me, tugging a terrified Logan along. As we drove, I couldn't keep the worrying thoughts out my head. Somehow sensing this, Patton spoke up.

"Anxiety, it's going to be okay. If it isn't, just get us, we'll get you out of there, okay?" Patton turned himself around in the seat to look back at me. He sat next to Logan in the passenger seat while Logan drove, which meant I was in the back. I shakily nodded, attempting a smile.
We finally arrived at the church where the ball was. Logan parked the car and we walked into the church. As I walked through the threshold, I was breath taken. Roman had really outdone himself. 

The whole ball was meant to mimic those from the medieval times. The entrance was on a landing, and as you entered the ballroom, you were on a balcony. Two marble staircases led down to the ballroom, one on each side. The room stretched on, the opposite side bedecked in foods of all sorts, the buffet table simply overflowing. Below the balcony was a magnificent stage where an orchestra played music from medieval times. Hundreds of couples spun around on the dance floor, dapper suits and intricate dresses swirling on the marble tiles. The walls were bedecked with silk drapes and flowers. At the top of the balcony was even an announcer. Pair after pair filed into the room, each name being called. Patton and Logan went ahead of me and told the announcer their names.

"Please welcome Patton and Logan Sanders." The announcer then turned to me.

"Um, Anxiety Sanders? I don't have a date or anything," I muttered shyly.

"Ah, Anxiety. We've been expecting you," they said.

"You've... what?" But before I could properly form a question, loud trumpets blared.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the announcer boomed, catching the attention of every person in the room. "I am pleased to introduce the guest of honor, Anxiety Sanders!" A spotlight was cast onto me and the room cheered. I stood there like a deer in headlights, unsure what to do. The announcer nudged me. "Go down," they whispered to me, gesturing to the staircase. I nodded slightly and began descending. All eyes were on me, and I started freaking out, on the verge of a panic attack. My breath began to pick up, but then I saw him. 

Dressed in a white suit with golden accents and a rose red tie, Roman looked stunning. He locked eyes with me, and seemed to be able to tell I was worried. He cast me a reassuring smile and mouthed the words "hi". I waved back and continued down. As I stepped off onto the dance floor, I lost sight of him. Trying to shove my way to where I saw him last, I was cast into the middle of everyone.

"Roman? Roman!" I shouted, but couldn't be heard over the music. My calls were answered, however, when I saw him take the microphone on stage.

"Welcome everyone!" He told to the crowd who went up in cheers. "As many of you know, I've been rather taken with a certain man lately. I may be known as the romantic one, but expressing my feelings for him has been hard, to say the least. So," Roman took a deep breath. "I wrote a song. I hope you enjoy." The orchestra started playing a slow, sweet melody, but my heart pounded in my ears. Did Roman mean me? Or was there someone else? My blood boiled at the thought of Roman with another guy, but my thoughts were interrupted as Roman's voice filled the room.

"It was a couple months ago
when I first met you.
Back then, I didn't really know
what it would turn into.

I started playing pranks.
They were in the name of fun.
But when you smiled, my mind went blank.
And you compared to no one.

We watched movies night and day.
And we would golf too.
You always made my day less grey.
And the only one is you.

We're in a twisted fairytale.
I can't tell who's the prince.
When we met you made my heart sail.
You have ever since.

I know we're meant to be.
You know it too.
You're as perfect as can be.
Anxiety, that's why I love you."

The room erupted into cheers and he spotted me in the crowd. Roman stepped down off the stage and began walking in my direction. The crowd parted as he came closer. He finally reached me and held out his hand.

"May I have this dance?" Roman asked, smiling warmly. Dumbfounded, I placed my hand in his. He immediately swept us away from the crowd as we spun to our own rhythm. Finally able to gather my thoughts, I asked the question I had been fearing my whole life.

"Did you mean it?" Roman looked up in surprise.

"Of course I did. You are amazing. You are hilarious, and smart, and charming, and I can't seem to get you off of my mind. I love you Anxiety," he finished with a smile.

"Virgil," I said quietly.


"Virgil. That-that's my real name," I told him, looking at the floor. Roman gently lifted my chin up, forcing me to look at him.

"I love you, Virgil."

"I love you too." We danced for hours. We danced until all the food had been eaten, and all the guests had left. Eventually, the orchestra packed up and left, but we kept dancing to a song only we could hear.

"You're the prince of my fairytale," I muttered softly, leaning against Roman as we turned slowly.

"And you're the prince of mine."

The End

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