Chapter 14 (Virgil)

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I appear in my room, tears streaming down my face. I lean against the wall, and slowly slide to the floor, hands covering my face.

"W-why d-did I-I d-do t-hat?" I stutter out. I think through my time with Roman. From what I've heard about relationships, Roman seemed to have had feelings for me. How could I screw up so badly? In a fit of anger, I throw a temper tantrum. I scream and shout, and even punch a hole in the wall. After what seems like hours of despair, I finally resort to hugging pillow. My face is wet with tears that are now dried out, and my throat is raw. I fall into a fitful sleep...


I run for my life, screaming for help. I push through branches and leaves as I sprint through the heavily-forested woods. I turn around, and all I see is blackness. A black void, inching ever closer to me, and I can never escape it. I face forward, continuing my eternal sprint. Suddenly, I find myself in a clearing. I check behind me, and the void is gone, at least for now.

"Anxiety. What a pleasure," a soft voice drawls. I turn and see Roman, dressed in all white, with an ethereal glow around him.

"Roman!" I exclaim, and run towards him. Tears are freely flowing down my face in relief, all I want right now is to be in his arms. But just when I'm within touching distance, he moves back. I falter, and stare at him. I take a step forward. He steps back. The forest behind him clears, revealing a never-ending path. Step after step, and he continues to evade me. I stop in my tracks and Roman begins to change. His hair becomes disheveled, and his clothes become ripped and tattered. In place of his charming smile, is a wicked grin.

"Did you really think I actually liked you?" He sneers at me. "You're just a useless. Waste. Of. Space," he says, enunciating each word carefully. I charge at him, but all I find is open air...

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