Chapter 20 (Roman)

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 I stumbled out of bed exhausted. As I made my way to the bathroom, I tripped over a binder and color palettes went sprawling. I finally got to the bathroom and stared into my tired expression. I'd been working non-stop but it was worth it. It had to be! But I was constantly worrying.

What if the band doesn't show up?

What if my outfit looks bad? But most troubling of all,

What if Anxiety doesn't show up? That last thought struck me. If he didn't, then all that work would have been for nothing. I would have made a huge fool of myself! And why would he have come anyways? He probably wouldn't. The more I thought about it, the more I worked myself up until I decided that I would cancel the ball. Better not to do it and make a fool of myself. I quickly sank down and found Patton and Logan watching a movie. Patton was resting on Logan's shoulder and Logan even had a small smile on his face. I smiled wide at the sight, but I had to interrupt it. I cleared my throat, and they jumped apart, faces red.

"Roman!" Patton exclaimed. "Um we weren't, um, we were just w-watching a movie," Patton tried to explain to me, face growing redder by the second, if that was possible. I smirked and rolled my eyes before I remembered why I had come.

"I, um, I'm canceling the ball. I just wanted to give you a heads up," I told them quietly, scared of their reactions.

"But Roman!" Patton protested. I cut him off quickly.

"No, Patton. It's- it's not gonna happen okay?"

"Roman, are you aware you're making the biggest mistake of your life?"

"What do you mean?"

"If you cancel the ball, you might lose the best chance you have to tell Anxiety," Patton reminded me.

"I-I just can't go through with it," I told him and left the apartment. I decided that some fresh air might help. As I walked to the park I felt a drop of rain land on my suit. I would usually turn back around and get an umbrella, but something told me to ignore it and keep going.

As I neared the park, the rain started falling harder but I kept going. I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going, but soon I recognized the path. It led to a small bridge over a creek. It was a beautiful place and I continued. The bridge came into view and I spotted... Anxiety? He stood on the bride leaning on the railing. He was soaking wet but he was smiling. He ran a hand through his hair, but thanks to the rain, it held its position and I could finally see his sparkling eyes. The water left droplets in his hair and I was left breathless. He looked amazing, a gentle smile on his face, eyes glinting even in the grey.

It was only when I snapped myself out of my trance that I heard a soft melody. And even more, I realized that it was Anxiety singing. He sang "She's so High" by Tal Bachman, one of Thomas's favorites.

"She's so high. High above me, she's so lovely. She's so high, like Cleopatra. Joan of Arc, or Aphrodite..." He continued to sing, eyes slipping closed. I thought back to what Patton said. I smiled at how quick Patton was to help me. It was nice having Patton on my side. And what Patton said was more true than I was willing to admit.

I might destroy my reputation but after hearing Anxiety sing, I was only reminded of how much I loved him.

I had to take chance.

Not Your Average Fairytale - PrinxietyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz