Nimbus 2000

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                               Hazley's POV

We were eating our dinner. "Take your peppermint tongue sway, go on." Ron said to Harry, or at least that's what I think he said, "Ron's right Harry, you're going to need your strength today." Hermione told Harry, "I'm not hungry." Harry responded. "Good luck today potter, then again now that you've proven yourself against a troll, a little game of Quidditch should be easy for you. Even if it is against Slytherin, you too my princess." I nodded at  professor Snape then he started walking away and Harry said, "That explains the blood." "Blood?" Hermione asked, "listen, last night I'm guessing Snape let the troll in there as a diversion, so he could try and get past our three-headed dog, but he got himself bit, that's why he's limping." "Why would anyone go near that dog?" Hermione asked. "The day I was at Gringotts Hagrid took something out of the vaults, said it was Hogwarts business, very secret." Harry finished, then Hermione said, "So you're saying." Harry then said, "That's what the dog's guarding, that's what Snape wants." We heard screeching so we looked over and saw Hedwig carrying something, then he dropped it right in to Harry's arms and it was a broom! "But I never get mail." Harry stated. "Let's open it." Ron suggested so we started unwrapping it. "It's a broomstick." "No dur Harry!" I said but then Ron said, "That's not just a broomstick, that's a Nimbus 2000!" We looked over at McGonagall who was smiling and petting Hedwig.

(I almost accidently said "Petting Hagrid" LOL)

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