Chapter 9

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"What the hell are you doing here?" Michael growls at Riker.

"Am I not allowed to see my brother's best friend?" Riker smirks.

Riker turns to look at me. "Heyyy, hows your little one?" I shifted under his gaze. "She's fine, thank you."

His smirked widened. "Get away Riker, your not wanted here."

"But, but I don't wanna leave. I just got here." He whined. "Come on Artemis, let's go," Michael said standing up.

I stand up along with him. "Artemis, do you know... That Michael's in a very bad gang? He stands by my brother's side to kill. He's doesn't care-"

"Shut up, Riker," Michael growls. Michael grabs my hand and pulls me outside. We get on his bike and drove off.

Is Riker, Reyes's brother?

We drove into Harley's driveway. Michael turned off his bike and got off and I got off after him.

"Are you going to explain to me what happened back there?" I snapped. Michael's eyes widened from the sudden outburst.

"Woah, calm down. I will tell you. Are your friends at home?" He puts his arm up in surrender.

"No, they went to get McDonald's with Felicity. Why?" I asked.

"Because they don't need to being hearing what I'm going to say to you." He said.

"Well, you better start talking." He sighed. "That is Riker McCoyed, he is Reyes's brother,"

Well... I kinda figured that.

"He just got out of prison. When we found out we just to track him down, but it was like he fell from the face of the earth. How do you know him?"

Now, I was shaking, a brother like a brother. This is not good. "One day, I had Felicity at Aunt Dee's house and I went to pick her up. I heard her scream, so I ran into her house and seen Riker chasing her.

He was nice at first until the got a little creepy like how Reyes did.

I knew something was off with him and had the same looks as Reyes, but I didn't want to believe it."

"Aunt Dee is Reyes's and Rikers Aunt. She's always got their back. She loves them both, but she's the type of person who favors people. She's more on Riker's side because he's the oldest. Riker had everything. His parents still gave him punishments like Reyes, but not as bad. They were all against Reyes because of the way he was treated. People loved Riker, he would get any girl, anything he ever wanted, but when it came to Reyes he would get nothing. That's when he changes and got whatever he wanted and WILL get it whether anybody likes it or not.

Now, Riker would stand up for Reyes when their old man gives them a beating, Reyes was small and didn't understand what was going on with the situation. As he has gotten older, his brother gotten meaner. He would do drugs, gets drunk, and started to mentality abuse Reyes. Reyes was a pussy back then. He would get bullied for the dirty clothes he wore and how homeless he looked. One day... He almost killed a kid, that was his bully and ended up putting him in the hospital."

I was shocked will all the information. "Was Reyes homeless, homeless?" I asked.

"No, Riker and Reyes's parents were rich, but they were greedy and didn't want to spend it on them. They thought that if they starved them it would save them money for drugs."

"Well...that sucks. What about the kid in the hospital?" I looked at him. "What did he do?"

"The kid's name is Adam. He was one of those big kids who thought he was bigger than everyone. Reyes was a nerd, got straight A's and B's, but he was picked on the most because he looked poor. He was bullied by the same person all the way up to ninth grade."

Michael's POV
I stood around the circle of people. Like my younger self, I didn't know what was going on, that was until I saw that kid. Reyes and big bully Adam with his group of friends. Luke, Tom, Donnie, and Mat.

"Eww, look at this stupid fag. You really think you would date Luke's girl?" Adam had Reyes pinned up against the lockers. "No-no! I don't l-like her like th-that. I only ask her if sh-she could b-be my friend."

His groupies and everyone around the circle laughed. I look over to Lizzy and she was standing there acting like nothing ever happened. "Listen, freak. Your poor, she's rich. She's not going to live will an ugly freak like you. She needs a man like me. Not some low-life-deadbeat- mommas-freak boy-"

Suddenly, before we knew it. Reyes's fist came down on Adams' face over and over until he was almost unconscious. Everyone went silent, except Adam groaning and moaning. Reyes slowly walked towards Adam. I couldn't hear him, but his mouth was moving.

But the look in his eyes was terrifying. Pitch black. It was like he was possessed and was out for blood. Reyes looks towards the group of people. "I will have my revenge! You'll see."

Then, Reyes walks out and doesn't come back. From then to now, he changed. So did the group, Adam, even me.

But Reyes came back, his senior year. He always comes back.

'I still can't get over the fact that he was a smart person.' I thought. Then, I snorted. Of course, he is... He's the damn gang leader for gosh sakes! 

"Woah... I still don't forgive him." I shrugged. Michael chuckled. "You don't have to forgive him. I just wanted you to know his background and how he became the way he is." Michael told me.

"Oh, big woopy do. I know what that shit is like and I know what it's like to not have parents. I'm a girl and he's a grown man. He's acting like a drama queen. While I'm still living the life." I snapped.

"But you're forgetting that he had parents that beat the shit out of him. I bet your parents didn't even touch you. His father would rape Reyes's mother in front of him. Then he would go after Reyes."

I was shocked. "Reyes was raped by his own father?" I also felt hurt about the way Michael said that my parents even touched me... Even though they didn't. It just made me feel like I had everything in the world.

"Yes..." Michael said. "Look you think I don't know what Reyes's is doing is wrong, but I do. That's why I'm telling you this. Reyes never gave up on what he wants. He will kill for it. Reyes is a leader of the gang."

"What about his mother?" I asked. "He never really talked about his mother." I nodded and looked away from him.

I had flashbacks to what dom said before the whole thing went down saying the same thing that Michael had just say.

"Oh, gosh. I'm stuck with him forever?" Tears prick my eyes. "I'm afraid so." I broke into a sob and threw myself on him. He tensed, but relaxed and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Whyyyyyy," I screamed in his chest. "Shhh, I don't know," Michael whispers. "Why can he be like you! You are so much better than he is!"

"I don't know why I was there that night. He took me. I hate myself for getting on his bike. Dominic told me he was no good, but I didn't listen!" I let out an ugly sob. Michael was rubbing my back trying to comfort me.

"I know- I know. I'm sorry that you have to go through this, but all I can say is try to work with him. He told me that he wants to change." I looked into his eyes. "Do you really think I will believe that?" He shrugged slowly.

"I don't know. It might work if you just give it a try." That's probably what I need to do.

"Yeah, because you don't know when he could come back."

Here you guys go! This should last you until I start writing my next chapter. I can and can't wait until Reyes tries to talk or even tries to met her in person again.

Yes, Reyes had his life hard. I meant Luke's sister not his girl.


OK that's a wrap 🌯😂😂

I'll stop now. 

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Luv ya

Peace out.

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